
29 October 2010

Bulan Madu

semalam pagi saye ade buat canulla kat sorg macik
macik tuh 3weeks postpartum kot
pastuh die nangis teresak2 ok mase saye buat canulla tuh
cuak gak saye mula2 tuh kot2 saye salah hit the valve pastuh tolak2 ke ape kan
rupe2nye die mmg camtuh
tp pastuh die tanye saye from mane
saye cakap from malaysia
and die pon ckp laa
'really? we went to malaysia for honeymoon'
'it was 10yrs back'
hahaha macik nih buat saye nk animun la :p

if only i could find a cheap way to make this initials!
mahal gak la bunga kat mesia
even yg bukan fresh flowers, kalo nk kelopak cantik mmg mahal...

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