
20 July 2011

Jika Pitis Itu Boleh Dipetik-petik..

i found more reasons to stay working (instead of retiring then housewifing)

i spent half of the day collecting my dreams
i really think i should make a scrapbook of all the pics so that i can easily find them in need.
mcm dlm cite omputih2 tuh la, yg every girls should ade wedding scrapbook 
they all kuat gile kan berangan dr kecik2 lg :p
they all awal2 lg dh plan bouquets diorg nk camane
cakes diorg nk camane etc
when the time comes they all bukak that big scrapbook with glittery eyes :)

salah satu perkara yg saye fikirkan tadi adelah pantry
bile ade rumah nanti saye nk ade pantry
mmg rambang mata melihat idea2 yg ade kat Google
tp kene consider budget and konsep gak kan

nak either yg kecik mcm 2 pintu cabinet or yg besar mcm walk-in pantry tuh
semua pon menarik hati kan
marilah kite mencuci mata
 seperti yg ini tidakla saye suke sgt tp save je
kalo yg camnih, still nampak serabut sbb mcm amik space besar tp tak covered

 yg nih quite practical..and simple
tp masalahnye kalo yg camnih saye akan tend to biarkan terbukak je pintu tuh
so still la nampak dapo tk kemas kan

 i like this concept!
walk-in pantry
tp tidak terlalu besar
just nice!

 yg nih nampak canggih dan creative
tp mungkin tak space saving pon dlm tuh
mcm ruang utk barang kecik2 je

 nih mmg dh sgt common kat umah kat Oz kan
simple and affordable
cume bersepah skitla
especially ppl like me
i need more organised pantry

yg nih nampak exclusive
tp kayu kayan itu sgt mahal
i bet they cost at least RM10,000 just for that.
tuh at least la.
tp kalo dh beria2 dgn kayu camtuh n pintu2nye tuh, baik buat cabinet btol2 kat dapo kan
the idea of my pantry adelah sorok2 barang ke dalam ruang besar yg kemas
so saye rase pantry saye tak perlu la ade yg berpintu kabinet tuh
lain la kalo saye terlebih duit sgt

 this is soooo my dream....
stocks of foods!!!
cume saye rase patut letak pintu besar tutup kawasan tuh
so bile bukak je pintu pantry terus nampak barang2 itu semua

 rak jenis cam nih pon saye suke utk small space
sbb saye rase ia space-saving kalo rak tuh dibuat keliling camnih
cume ia memerlukan kekemasan utk menyusunnya :p
saye nih perlu ade compartment2 so that my pantry will auto-organised themselves :D

 yg nih pon ade pintu utama yg cover ruang pantry tuh..

yg nih almost nk sama ngan yg few pics td..

Why Do I Like Pantries?
firstly, i like to buy things in bulk
i cant resist SALEs
secondly, i like to see things lining up on shelves
i dont know why do i have the satisfaction seeing repetitive things
maybe i'm on the autistic spectrum :p
last but not least,
i like foods!!!

i even read on how to organise your pantry
some of the tips are:
-put ur frequently used stuffs on eye-level shelves
-arrange them into categories eg: cereals, canned foods, baking stuffs
some people uses Tupperware to help them in their pantries..

i'll read more about pantry when the time comes...

1 comment:

Her Imperial Highness said...

sarah!!!!! i love walk-in pantries gakkkkk,best kannnnn... nampak senang je nk carik2 benda,hihihi ;)