
22 March 2010


keadaan di ward masih stressful
it's soo hard when ur every mistakes are counted
but all ur contributions and little helps just go down the drain
it's even worse when ur are misjudged and misunderstood
eg: the interns are gone, the reg grabbed the notes before me, then he started writing the notes, suddenly the nurse asked the reg to write something on the drugchart, at the same time the consultant was examining the patient and reported the findings, when she found out that the reg's ears werent available for her, she turned to me 'u should help him to write the notes and he should not do all the work by himself'
omg! terase mcm sgt tajam kata2 consultant itu
tatau die berniat ke tak
tp mcm terasa die nk kate saye sebagai final year tidak membantu dokter itu
padahal sebetulnye saye rase saye patut tulis notes hanya bile tiada dokter yg grab notes tuh
takkan saye nk berebut dgn reg itu
mmg kebetulan ade nurse mintak reg itu tulis drug..ofkos saye takle tlg tulis kat drugchart itu kan.
setiap hari ade bende2 camtuh la buat saye down.
as if u r not helping at all.
no sense of appreciation.
helllo, i'm supposed to be there to learn.
not to run around doing ur jobs.
do u ever consider that we got there everyday at 8am and finish only at about 5-6pm everyday
taking bloods pon mmg masalah btol.
i really shudnt drink tea/coffee before wards.
i had lunch and tea right before attempting cannulation.
i failed!!
so i called the intern and told him 'no luck'.
i told him that the vein was obvious but i missed it.
he said 'what's the issue?' with THAT intonation.
aaaaaa...what's with that intonation?
i'm not supposed to be a pro yet.
why do u always SEE the failed attempts?
dont u count all the successful ones?
eg: this morning soon after i arrived, u asked me to take some bloods and it was ok kan?
it's and urgent n panicky situation pon kan?
did u ever ask me and congratulate or even thank me for all the bungs i managed to put in?
yaAllah, ease my mind, ease my pain, ease my journey....

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