
11 November 2010


ward round td mcm sibuk gile je..
this week patientlist tibe2 exploded
ramai plak
tp td sume tk complex pon 
so lps dh g radiology sume tuh saye duk kat ward update bloods
saye tk phm sgt sorg reg saye tuh
die agak baik ngan saye
takdela saye baik ngan die
tp saye tk pnah kene pape ngan die walaupon die mcmlaser
tp die kdg2 buat remark yg saye tak suke
td mase saye tlg updet bloods tuh die ckp 
'oh very good sarah, u r helping with the bloods, u r not getting paid for that'
ayat tuh mcm best kan
tp cara die terkejut tuh mcm sblum nih saye tk pnah tlg pape
saye pon tak paham camane saye ade rase vibe tuh
sbb sblum nih pon arituh tgh kejar2 mase wardround
die ckp kat team 'come on guys,let's move on..'
pastuh saye je yg ikut die sbb org lain tgh menulis
pastuh die ckp la 'come on sarah, come..' dgn baik la
pastuh saye ckp kat die bed number utk next patient
pastuh die ckp 'u know where are we going next, u r very good' 
then die ckp kat reg sorg lg 'hey, sarah is very good, she knows what's next'
kalo ditulis camnih mmg rase mcm positif kan..
tp saye tatau nape saye rase mcm die perli
sbb bende2 yg saye buat tuh sgt la trivial..
so die nye pujian sgt la tk disproportionate
so saye rase insulted..i mean saye rase insulted sbb die mcm amaze ngan small things
so adekah die sgt ade sgt low expectations terhadap saye?
die tk pnah pun quizing2 saye...
tp arituh adela skali die ckp 
'ok sarah, tell me about appendicitis'
pastuh duk ckp2 tuh die interrupt n tanye ape symptom kalo utk org ade retrocaecal appendicitis
and die agak surprised/impressed bile saye jwb diarrhoea
serious mase tuh saye kecik ati...
bukannye ape..saye rase mcm die sgt ade low expectation kat saye kot..
soalan tuh saye tatau la susah ke tak perlu kot nk terkejut saye dpt jwb..
sblum nih bukannye die penah quiz2 saye die tk patut judge saye
bukanla saye rase die patut pandang tinggi kat saye...
tp somehow ade rase insulted bile low expectations sgt...

aaand sblum nih saye mmg tk pnah sgt tulis dlm progress notes mase ward round sbb dah terlebih kakitangan dah
intern ade 3 org
and diorg slalunye efficient je
tp arinih sbb bz and sorg intern takde, 
ade few times yg saye the only junior 'doc' utk tulis notes
bile saye dh start tulis skit baru dtg intern
so intern bg je saye tulis
tp....tgh2 tuh si reg tuh mcm tegaskan kat intern utk mereka kene tulis sendiri
die nk accurate
saye tk kisah je die tanak student tulis..
tp kalo tk efficient die gak yg marah intern2
saye mmg penah dgr previously die penah yelled at 3rd yr student yg tulis notes
sbb tuh saye mmg bg intern je yg tulis
tp bile dh terpaksa mmg la kene tulis kan
aaa die nih confusing la, kejap baik, kejap tak baik
kejap die nk intern je buat sume keje, kejap lg die ckp
'sarah, help leo!' time tuh leo mmg dh tgk bende tuh pon
tk paham saye!!
previously bile saye yg tgk chart tuh die suruh intern sendiri yg tgk
tp bile intern dh tgk sendiri die suruh saye tlg plak
serious die pelik!
tp mmg intern pon ckp camtuh
so saye takdela take it personal sgt

otak saye dh half otak student half lg otak bride
saye jumpe gmbr tuh mase saye google2 
takdela accurate sgt gmbr tuh sbb 
  • saye takkan pk saye pretty dlm my dress sbb saye tau psl perut saye
  • saye takkan minum so saye takkan ade hangover
  • saye takkan tukar name
yg tepatnye adelah sbb
  • i love looking at my diamond ring :)
  • i dreeeeam about my groom all the time
  • i'm worried abt the dress-fitting  
  • i hope there wont be anything embarrassing happen
  • i am suuuuper stress abt the photographer
  • i really think this wedding-planning adventure is fun!!! 
so one more hurdle!!
tomorrow's presentation!!! 

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