
31 October 2009

because i'm not communicating with the outside world, my every thoughts are poured here sampai sume kwn2 saye muntah hijau. but this is how this blog started pon kan.random ramblings abt me. skrg saye tgh dgr lagu ayushita tuh yg Tuhan Berikanlah Aku Cinta.. saye nye monolog adelah 'kalo la Tuhan tk bg lg cinta kat aku, sure emo gile dgr lagu nih. ye la, penat tau tunggu utk jatuh's not something that could happen everyday. i've waited this long to fall in love. sbb tuh saye tkkan pernah membiarkan saye menyesal membiarkan cinta saye pegi begitu sahaja.and i dont think falling in love is something that can happen twice'. i know ppl wouldnt agree on that.ppl might say cinta bole dipupuk. but that's something i really dont want. tanak pupuk cinta lps kawin. cinta sbb tanggungjawab.takde choice. and somehow saye rase tk sume org dh kawin tuh jatuh's just that 'tertarik'..opposites do attract! sbb saye sgt tanak bende camtuh saye saaangat takut kalo saye takkan jatuh cinta..maksud saye jatuh cinta nih bukanla mcm 'oh ensem nye die, saye terjatuh cinta kejap' dan bukan juge 'eh comelnye joe, saye suke die' dan bukan juge 'emm..bole tahan gak best kawan ngan die nih, saye suke'...JATUH CINTA is something that happened without a reason but then everything in the world seeems to fit in well. u cant choose to fall in love (or choose not to fall)...
tp dh jatuh cinta pon tetap gak emo dgr lagu nih...sbb duk pk2 camane laaa kalo saye masih belom jumpe 'jatuh cinta' saye itu... i've always had pictures in my head about how i'd like my love life to be since i was litte (gatal gile kecik2 dh brangan)... and this is almost how i imagined them to be..except for the 'tangguh kawin' part...

kalo buat karangan psl cinta nih mmg bg la kat saye..saye suke! ok2 cukup sudah kite rehat, jom kite sambung wat keje lg.

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