
13 February 2008

trying to organise my thoughts for neuro hx.

firstly, never forget to introdeuce myself as a studentdoctor then ask her is it's ok for me to have a little chat with her.then ask her what she'd like me to call her and casually ask her age. then asked her what brought her to the hosp. i never failed to ask that but what i'm so not good at is exploring more abt the presenting symptoms. in ideal world we can ask all the WWQQAAB questions but in real world it's not that obvious. but i have to try to make sure that everyhting is covered somehow. then ask systems review(which i didnt really successfully ask any of my patient so far bcos i basically ask general med hx). but tomorrow i'll try as hard as i can to take a complete medical hx with(including the system review). and ask her what did she think might be the problem. i've always forget the rest of the hx taking when i started to ask abt what did the doctors do for Ix,and hwo did the doctors manage her at the time being.

so for systems review for neuro, i shud explore more abt any of such occurance before,any syncope,any seizures, incontinence,LOC,weakness or numbness somewhere,nausea,vomiting,dizziness.
not to forget cvs systems review(in case of infarction/stroke/embolus etc).
basically ask medical history.if she has any comorbidities ie:hypertension,diabetes,cardiac events etc.past surgery/hospitalisation. is she on any medications, does she have any allergies?

owh,family hx.ask her if any of her family members had the same condition before, or any of neurological condition, or any medical conditions at all.
also i've always forget to ask smoking and drinking hx. then try to ask her daily routines,with whom does she live, is she independent.. what does she feel?

i'll try to be as casual as possible so that she wont feel like being interrogated since she definitely are already tired with questions from med students.

hmm.. we'll see what happpen tomorrow! i hope we have new good historian patients.

~wish me luck~

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