
13 February 2008

bilirubin etc

again, trying to organise my thoughts abt bilirubin excretion(just read it from guyton).

1st ly, the hemoglobin is split into heme and globin. the globin is the protein, broken down into amino acids and will be reused for protein synthesis. the heme ring --> iron and biliverdin.
biliverdin is rapidly reduced into free bilirubin,but then the free bilirubin will strongly bind to albumin .
in the liver, the bilirubin will be conjugated --> thus called conjugated bilirubin. they will be transported to the intestine and become urobilinogen. the urobilinogen is highly soluble.some of them are absorbed back into the blood. most of the urobilinogen from the blood will pass through liver and to the gut then into the feces. when oxidised bcome stercobilin. but the ones that didnt pass through the liver, they will be excreted by the kidney and into the urine, when oxidised bcome urobilin.

hmm.. still confusing..

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