sambut new yr??erm...tak pnah2 sambut pon..sblum nih stakat tunggu dpn tv jek la sbb mesti ade cite best dok sinih bunge api pon tak nmpk..kunun2 kuar bilik nak tgk kalo2 nampk bunge tak nmpk pon..jauh sgt ek clayton nih dr city?? spatutnye g baring kat padang tuh kan..dok sinih jek mmg la terhalang ngan segale bangunan2 tuh kan....or maybe kalo g howitt naik jek mane2 tingkat yg atas2 tuh mesti nampak kan?? dahla pasnih maybe dah tak merase new yr kat oz sbb insyaAllah aku nak balik mesia every summer... skrg sgt la pns..aku kat bilik ash nih...nak bace cerpen dlm tokeikedai tp susah nak feel sbb panas sgt..hehehe...feel?? jgn sampai banjir lg dah la...wuaaa....mau !!!!!!!tanye aida la aku mau ape....hehehe....... erm td dgr balik lagi unintended..dah lame gile tak dgr lagu dgr balik r skrg nih..pastuh nyanyi lagu not me not i yg delta goodrem tuh...hahaha...menyusuri kembali kenangan..chewah~dlm cite muhje dosti karoge tuh kate jgn hidup dlm kenangan masa kan, skrg nih bosan mesti la nyanyi ape2 yg ade kenangan...ade satu lagu westlife nyanyi nih kan..suke gile kan, tak jumpe kat you tube...ape la you tube nih!
31 December 2005
29 December 2005
not Olny srmat poelpe can.cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrdwaht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of thehmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at CmabrigdeUinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr theltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng istaht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghitpclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you cansitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseaethe huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter byistlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaehand I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!if you can raed tihs psas it on !!
hahaha..bile wat mende nih..aku tringat r ade satu mase dulu..aku pnah gune nih utk carik modal utk sumthing..wawawah..malunyee bile igt balik...
hahaha..bile wat mende nih..aku tringat r ade satu mase dulu..aku pnah gune nih utk carik modal utk sumthing..wawawah..malunyee bile igt balik...
hahaha..nih la gmbr yg aku print kat kad yg aku anta kad mak aku..erm, knape ek aku suke gmbr nih??sbb dlm klas kot..klas relax jek...gmbr nih cukup 25 org...slalunye susah r nak cukup *_* offense ye kpd sesape yg trase slalu tak dtg klas...
sbnrnye byk lg gmbr yg aku suke...aku suke amik gmbr..kalo bole stp ape yg aku buat tuh bole dicapture n tunjuk kat family kat ade 1 lg gmbr yg aku suke tp blom di amik...kire nye cam impian aku la...tau tak, dlm tak sedar, satu impian aku tercapai..impian tuh aku tak pnah sbut kat org sbb takut kalo org cam gelakkan aku bile bende tuh tak aku diam jek la sbb tak brani nak expect..dah lame r...n kat sinih, tak sdr dah tecapai impian skrg nih aku nak diam jek kalo ade pape impian...n of course aku ade simpan la skrg 1 lg impian!!
this is my 101st post..erm...knape ek aku cam takde mood sgt skrg nih?? nak chat ngan adik pon mls...nak call family pon mls...bukan dah tak igt umah, tp mls sgt2 nak buat chat ngan adik...adik kate mak nangis mase bace poem yg aku anta skali ngan kad aku tuh....*****...aku taknak komen pape psl tuh sbb malu org deep down inside ade byk bende utk aku ckp....dak2 nc sume takde sbb g seminar ngan akak2...erm, aku yg pemalas nih dah lame sgt ikut godaan setan jek utk tak join bende2 baik...erm, apela aku nih, ape yg aku buat nak salahkan setan plak....spatutnye kalo dah tahu setan yg hasut, silela tak? smlm tgk cite industan..mlm plak tgk kate&leopard....ape aku rase??erm..hehehe... laaa...aku rase cam nak mkn ayam goreng la plak..lapar lg la...nak ratah ayam goreng...dah tak mo nasi la, aku dah mkn byk sgt nasi goreng aku nasi goreng kosong jek =(
this is my 101st post..erm...knape ek aku cam takde mood sgt skrg nih?? nak chat ngan adik pon mls...nak call family pon mls...bukan dah tak igt umah, tp mls sgt2 nak buat chat ngan adik...adik kate mak nangis mase bace poem yg aku anta skali ngan kad aku tuh....*****...aku taknak komen pape psl tuh sbb malu org deep down inside ade byk bende utk aku ckp....dak2 nc sume takde sbb g seminar ngan akak2...erm, aku yg pemalas nih dah lame sgt ikut godaan setan jek utk tak join bende2 baik...erm, apela aku nih, ape yg aku buat nak salahkan setan plak....spatutnye kalo dah tahu setan yg hasut, silela tak? smlm tgk cite industan..mlm plak tgk kate&leopard....ape aku rase??erm..hehehe... laaa...aku rase cam nak mkn ayam goreng la plak..lapar lg la...nak ratah ayam goreng...dah tak mo nasi la, aku dah mkn byk sgt nasi goreng aku nasi goreng kosong jek =(
kat frenster nye status aku dah wat 'it's complicated'..ahahah, nak tau knape?erm..tunggu 5 tahun lg aku cite la ye... eh aku dah ckp tak ade bende best berlaku arituh..bile arituh tu? 26 december la...mlm tuh best sgt! takla best sgt dah lame dah tak best *_*
tak paham? abaikan jek..huhuhu
tak paham? abaikan jek..huhuhu
27 December 2005
serius dah lame gak kan aku tak tulis nih..aku mls la...aku takde mood la...ntah knape la...dah la aku dah separa broke..smlm boxing day!!!mmg aku kene berpapa kedana balik la takpela, at least byk bende yg aku dah beli..pasnih dah takyah stp kali g shopping pon ckp mcm ah, mane tak nye....giordano nye baju2 sume $10 jek kat booth tuh!!!! t-shirt brand2 $20 jek!!!!mmg la tak murah sgt dah kire murah kat sinih sbb kalo nak dpt yg harga mcm tuh kalo bukan sale nih hanye brg2 murah yg takde Q sgt spjg ari aku tak terdaye melawan godaan nafsu...wua...arinih aku kuar g clyton lg, bli sardin!!kene merendah diri r makan pasnih....sbb kene simpan duit..nak g adelaide!!!!tp bole ke nak g nih???takpe, gune duit bulan 2 nye r g adelaide..hehehe....berjimat cermatla engko sarah....
bole tak mak awak jd mak saye...tok awak jd tok saye..maksu awak dan adik2 awak jd keluarga saye....
hahaha..baru lps tgk tollgate girl lg skali!!! comel~ tp kalo la hero die bukan rashid salleh lg best r~nak zul yahya la!!!!!!
bole tak mak awak jd mak saye...tok awak jd tok saye..maksu awak dan adik2 awak jd keluarga saye....
hahaha..baru lps tgk tollgate girl lg skali!!! comel~ tp kalo la hero die bukan rashid salleh lg best r~nak zul yahya la!!!!!!
22 December 2005
dah kol 1.39am..dah nak tido...tgk desperate housewives pon baru kene tido awal la sbb esok ade program ngan kak fatihah..i'm really looking fwd to the kan aku dah lame sgt tak tulis pjg2 skit sinih kan...aku mmg nak sgt bz sgt2..erm, bz ngan ape ngan virtually la...kalo dok dpn nih jek, mmg mcm2 aku nak kene buat..nih pon fp tak buat lg entry utk kat cherry darm tuh..argh, ckp psl cherry, mmg sedey gakla sbb baru jek 3 hari keje tp dah takde keje dah sbb sume cherry kat farm tuh dah abis...erm, cane ek aku nak jd kaye...maybe ade hikmah...maybe aku kene btolkan balik niat aku...maybe nak ajar aku to b wiser in spending...ok2, aku kene slow down aku nye plan itu ini takkan la aku nak stop shopping lgsg...tuh blom aku post psl my shopping wishlist...mcm2 r...okla, kalo bukan shopping utk aku pon, aku nak shopping utk famil jugak...takkan la kot balik mesia tgn kosong jek..takkan la nak bwk balik t-shirt kangaroo jek sorg satu..or takkan la nak bwk balik koala tuh jek sorg 4 5 least a leather handbag fo my mum..might b a watch fo my dad... n a few things fo my bro n mmg cudnt be dropped from my to-do list kan?? s fo that, kene la doakan Allah murahkan rezeki kami utk dpt keje lg pasnih...maybe in januari kan.... n 1 mo thing... i really hope i'll have enuf $ to adelaide...kalo tak ikut shue mase nih, bile lg kan? o maybe i shud write about how i spent my day's a nice day, at least i did sumthing mo than just wake up-internet-eat-internet-desperatehousewives-eat-sleep.....kan kan???i hope i'll benefit from the evening!mo about the evening???ermm..not now la..nak tido!!
19 December 2005
12 December 2005
rase cam nak listkan jek ape yg aku dah tgk spjg summer nih..hem,2 weeks??or is it 1 week??or had it been a month???aku pon tatau la...
kungfu hustle
50 first dates
charlie n choc factory
full house nye last episode
one tree hill
scary movie
the notebook
the exorcist
pride n prejudice
a lot like love
my bf is type b
gol n gincu
n a few lg yg aku tatau tajuk pon
erm, nampak lame nye jek kan? tp asalkan aku tak pnah tgk,a ku tak kisah pon..aku tgk jek...dc++ takde la menyumbang sgt skrg nih sbb tak ramai yg online...
currently watching ::desperate housewives::
the marathon
bgn jek tido tgk one tree hill...buat marathon..pastuh tgk notebook..n now..tgh desperate housewives marathon..cant stop watching kene la stop utk smayang n mkn..act, skrg nak g deakin projector room utk dgr tazkirah ngan kak hujan susah r nak pegi..tgk la kite nih, ujian skit dah tak pegi...yeah, how could i relapse??aku sdr ape yg buat aku tak snang duduk n tak sehappy cam i let myself drown..setan la yg melalaikan anak kdg2 bile insaf tuh, insaf aku mmg jenis yg slalu nak kene diingatkan...arapnye taun dpn bile aku dah pindah deakin things will b better..[hey sarah,dont depend on others..u have to rely on urself!!!things shud come from ur heart, then only ur doings will be accepted]..m i hypocrite to be good when i'm in other good ppl's company?no i'm not, but i want to always be's just that i had always drown myself down when i'm away from the GOOD things.. ok enuff bout this...i dun wanna be caught again...altho in other sense of being caught! so let me talk about how DAIF i am now...menganggur di bumi oz,slalu lapar,keje blom ade...aku takdela rase nak mengeluh ke ape bile lpr harituh mmg rase smcm r...kitorg arituh cam kan pk tak lame pon spend summer kat hall nih sbb kitorg bli tins of sardines..byk!!n skrg kitorg mkn sardines pathetic!!tp aku biase jek..aku pk kan, taun dpn kalo aku masak sorg, aku mmg nak bli sardines jek..byk kelebihannye...jimat sbb murah,pastuh aku pon mls la nak bli ayam nih sbb nak kne basuh n potong2 lemak sblum masak...pastuh kene simpan dlm firdge plak tuh..kalo sardines nih, bukak jek tin, n buang tin tuh.uhuhu, cam dah pmls gile jek ek aku..bukannye ape, aku bukan kisah pon mkn sardine, so bole la simpan duit..aku tanak r jimat2 kalo nak shopping...aku suke spend kat bende2 yg aku aku nak buat bilik aku nanti cam kat rumah...erm..byk takpe kan berangan....dr angan2 la start kite mimpi..dr mimpi la ade impian..dr impian la kite ade cite2..n kalo ade cite2 kite akan work for it!!!go go chaiyo!
one tree hill
yes!!!!3rd season is soooooo *cant find any words to suit it*!!!!!!!!!i love every scene of it but with dan scott n rachel~rachel is so pathetic!dan is so him!brooke n luke, was sooooo *again,cant find the word*.. yes.i'm such an exaggerator, but ONE TREE HILL is PERFECT~blend of sumthing that i could take with me as one of my adolescent craze!!!!!nathan n haley, they made it through...peyton,keep moving!! [i'll tell mo later, i'm awatching the notebook.. one tree hill 'notebooked' me]*grin**sigh*
11 December 2005
hehehe..aku mcm suke jek nih..sbb pink!!! aku suke sume kaler2 muda..kuning mude...biru muda..hijau mude...nih baru bgn tido...argh, biological clock aku dah mmg tunggang langgang abis..aku tido kol 5 lebey td sbb tunggu subuh kol 4...eee..pning kpale aku!!! pastuh lapar plak nih!!!!nak makn ape ek...
10 December 2005
hehe..serius lame dah tak tulis nih...nih cam menganggur balik..n nak la tulis balik...ntah cane mlm nih tetibe trpikir nak tuka skin die skalo lg..nih dah suke dah...sbb colour cam tak best sbb simple sgt la plak layout die...n die cam kat tgh2 jek...takpela...lenkali tukar lg...=) ape ek nak kate utk summer nih? erm... bosan, sonok, relax, panas, sejuk, lapar..mcm2 lg la.
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