
09 May 2016

Too Good To Be True

Being oncall on a weekend is not something we are excited about.. The heavy feeling usually will start even the day before the call's just a feeling of 'hmmm there goes my weekend'.. I'm not whining about my work (eventho i am)..but i love my weekend-at-home better (who doesn't,right?).

The call started quietly..with everything under control..few of us just tossing around on the oncall bed..i got to finish my novel halfway..but i have the feeling thay 'this is too good to be true'..i never had this kind of call before i uploaded the photo of my reading on IG at 4pm with a caption about how i'm enjoying a good read surin oncall...thennn...everything started.. Few postpartum haemorrhages and lots of dramas etc..

So the moral of the story, never speak too soon..hihihi.. 

P/s: i'll be oncall again tomorrow, may Allah ease everything.. 

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