
25 May 2016

Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang

i have googled around to look for the best 'birthday speech for husband', but i realised that what comes out from my own mind might mean more to you... I will crack my head every year to think of the annual surprise for your birthday as i believed that it should be something you made on your own and not something that you can give on any other days..

i can't remember the birthday project i made for him on our first year, 2008..hmmm what was it? and i  stitched a meticulous cross-stitch project for him in 2009..2010 i made him a recipe scrapbook, compiling all his favourite foods with pictures of my attempts in making them..  2011, i was a mess! just started my horsemanship, so did nothing.. 2012 - i made a special cake for him in addition to my craftwork bedsheets project.. 2013 onwards, i can't remember, hmmmm...

so for this year, i've prepared just a simple surprise, waiting for him to come back on Friday (i haven't updated about our long-distance relationship yet).. and i'm planning for a healthy option of birthday cake.. can't wait to see how it turns out soon!!

and my mum were confused and asked 'ni birthday tahun ape ni? tahun cina ke tahun india?' because we had quite a few milestones to celebrate each year, birthday hijrah la birthday mash la, anniversary bercinta la, anniversary bertunang la, anniversary kawin la, anniversary jumpa la etc.. we are just looking for reasons to celebrate kot..

Being-there friends

Brownies reunited..memang sangat susah untuk dapat mengumpulkan the whole Brownies di satu tempat pada masa yang sama..kali nih tak lengkap tanpa Asma'.. But this is the best number we could gather.. Why Brownies? Sebenarnya nama jalan rumah diorg Brown's Road..saya ahli rumah tumpangan je hehehe.. Memang we call people based on their street name pun dulu kat Melbourne.. *sigh*those-were-the-days*again* .. 

2 of the Brownies have kids..another 3 Brownies are in line..2 are struggling with subfertility and another 1 is waiting for Mr.Right ^_^. 

I am forever thankful for friends like them.. Friends who are 'just there for u'..

09 May 2016

Rose Hill Designs by Heather Stillufsen always captured my attention on the timeline.. 

Too Good To Be True

Being oncall on a weekend is not something we are excited about.. The heavy feeling usually will start even the day before the call's just a feeling of 'hmmm there goes my weekend'.. I'm not whining about my work (eventho i am)..but i love my weekend-at-home better (who doesn't,right?).

The call started quietly..with everything under control..few of us just tossing around on the oncall bed..i got to finish my novel halfway..but i have the feeling thay 'this is too good to be true'..i never had this kind of call before i uploaded the photo of my reading on IG at 4pm with a caption about how i'm enjoying a good read surin oncall...thennn...everything started.. Few postpartum haemorrhages and lots of dramas etc..

So the moral of the story, never speak too soon..hihihi.. 

P/s: i'll be oncall again tomorrow, may Allah ease everything.. 

02 May 2016

Menara Kuala Lumpur di Malam Minggu!

Dah oncall EOD camni memang rase bosannn sangat, nak jugak jalan-jalan tak kirela ke mana pon..dh lps supper, kami ke KL Tower..kat luar tu je pon ambik gambar.. 

Pernah naik ke observatory deck tu dulu mase form 3, lawatan sekolah..dah tak ingat sangat dah.. Tapi rupa-rupanya best jugak jalan-jalan di negara sendiri.. 

Samaa je pesen gambar sebab duk betul-betul bawah tower kan, tu je caranya nak bagi tower tu masuk fambar..