
25 February 2015

Kenapa perlu tahu definisi PCOS?

(kiut-kiut rupenye poster kalau Google Image utk PCOS)

Apa yang public tahu mengenai PCOS?
rasanya di zaman sains dan teknologi ni ramai yang tahu PCOS kan
tapi istilah itu tidak semudah itu utk didefinisikan..

PC - PolyCystic
O - Ovaries
S- Syndrome

so akan ada keadaan dimana seseorang itu PCO namun tak semestinya ade PCOS.. 
definisi yang paling diterima umum untuk PCOS ni mengikut Rotterdam criteria - sempena mereka bersidang di Rotterdam pada tahun 2003.
mereka telah mempersetujui bahawasanya untuk meng-diagnos seseorang dengan PCOS haruslah memenuhi sekurang-kurangnya 2 daripada 3 criteria die bawah

 1.  menstrual irregularities/oligo/amenorrhea/chronic anovulation
 2. hyperandrogenism
3. polycystic morphology on ultrasound

(from Google je)

so untuk kriteria pertama tu - definisinya agak luas - pendek kata, period tak teratur laa.. tapi harus diingatkan tak semua period tak teratur tu ade PCOS - lenkali la plak kongsi cite detail pasal ni kan

kriteria kedua - bermaksud simptom-simptom yang menandakan terdapat peningkatakn hormon androgen. androgen ni orang selalu sebut hormon lelaki, tapi sebenernya dua-dua jantina pon menghasilkan hormon ini..tapi bergantung pada jumlahnya pulak sikit ke banyak kan.. contoh-contoh simptom nya adelah berbulu lebat (tapi tak semua yang bebulu lebat adelah kerana hyperandrogenism kan, ade yang kerana genetik), jerawat, rambut botak (male-pattern baldness), central adiposities (kegemukan bahagian abdomen) dan macam-macal lagi la..

ketiga pula - kelihatan cyst-cyst pada ovary yang memenuhi kriteria sekurang-kurangnya lebih 12 cyst yg bersaiz 2-9mm.. 

tapiii harus diingatkan bahawa tidak semua PCOS akan memiliki dan memanifestasi semua ini .. dan juga tidak semua yang memiliki ciri-ciri tersebut adelah PCOS kan..

ini sekadar perkongsian la..takle nak dijadikan penulisan saya ini sebagai bahan asas/rujukan untuk rawatan diri sendiri plak kan.. (kalau ade orang terbace entry ni laa..)

okeh tu kriteria untuk nak memenuhi diagnosis PCOS sahaja..
kalau dah PCOS sekalipun, memang setiap individu berbeza
agar sukar untuk dikatakan semua PCOS harus 'classical' seperti yang kita selalu anggap
'berbulu, gemuk, tak subur'..
kerana PCOS adelah keadaan yang 'heteregenous'

saya memenuhi kesemua kriteria diagnosis PCOS di atas..
ovaries saya adelah typical textbook picture of pearl necklace sign..

so ape manfaatnya mengetahui diganosis tersebut?
kebanyakan simptom PCOS harusla di tackle secara individu..
kalau masalah jerawat, bole cube COCP..
kalau masalah fertility, bole cube ovulation induction..
tapi ade juga orang PCOS yang tiada yang ketara langsung...

pentingnya diagnosis ini adelah kerana kesedaran terhadap risiko-risiko yang berkaitan keadaan ini
contohnya risiko-risiko mendapat diabetes dan penyakit seperti jantung atau stroke
tapi bukanla untuk menakut-nakutkan semua orang kan..
cume kene sedar dan cube untuk membuat LIFESTYLE MODIFICATION !
(saya dah belly threadmill tapi berape kali gune?? hihihi)

24 February 2015

Berasap Kepala

It has only been the second day of the module but the timetable already looks like this.. (The red ones are the amended lectures/tutorials).. 

19 February 2015


I'm definitely not a morning person! I snoozed my alarm for at least 4 times before i could eventually get the strength to wake up..

But i'm ever so lucky to have Paih to pack my bento and make me coffee.. I qas not a coffee person but life has been so demanding, and i need it.. 

This entry is just to shout my appreciation towards my boyfriend forever! 

18 February 2015

My morning

My morning!! The blind is still off not to wake Paih up..

Fefeeling nak nyanyi lagu The Climb by Miley Cyrus laaa...lg best kalau duet ngan Balqis...

17 February 2015

No sip, just gulp!

Nampak milkshake ni yellow-tagged kat Asda and omg!! Sedap gile! Sangat creamy!! Sangat milky!! 

It says 'shake shake shake & then you gulp'! Rase nak nyanyi shake it off, shake it off sambil shake tu sebab sangat high lepas minum sedap sangat kottt .. 

16 February 2015

Sunday Morning

Simple breakfast on Sunday Morning.. 
After the whole day spent in the British Library the day before (yes,it was saturday!!and yes we r that nerd *_*), we decided to laze around on Sunday.. We spring-cleaned our room, and it's sparkling clean now!!

As we did the cleaning and rearranging, we realised how disorganised we were just because we thought we would move out anytime soon, so we didnt buy any bookcases, storage boxes etc.. 

But, the chance of moving out seems so slim now as we are getting comfortable with this we decided to just get anything necessary to keep the place nice to see..

How do you get rid of the mess on dressing table and study table? How do you make sure your study area looks presentable? Hmmm that's tough.. And it is near to impossible to keep them organised alll the time if you are a person like me.. I would admit that i'm a bit weird  about this, but i need to leave my books or study place exactly the way it was opened and clutttered when i was on my last line of the books/papers/website.. If someone has removed or even changed the angle of my stuff, i need to start all over again to get the feel of previous readings.. (Tak paham takpe).. 

So let say i was reading this.. My paper and highlighter was on that angle, so i need then to stay that way when i want to resume my readings..i'll feel something is not right if it has changed... desk will never NEVER ever look organised! *sigh*sigh*.. 

Oh get back to the spring cleaning, so we went to Homebase (they have storewide-15% yesterday!!), and we bought several baskets to DECLUTTER our mess! 

I've read an article in Good Housekeeping about how sometimes it is just impossible to organise everything, so you just need to DECLUTTER! means keep the clutters and mess in an organised confined space/area/box (depends on the stuffs).. For example, i have a bowl on my table just to throw in EVERYTHING - keys, lanyards, brooches.. Just because it is impossible for me to straight away arrange my things neatly right after i reach home! 

So yes, since reading the article few years back, i feel 'less bad' about being the way i am, realising that i'm not alone in being 'cluttered'.. 

13 February 2015

Shakespeare in Love, Noel Coward Theatre

i could not say that i have a lot of experience about plays or theatres
this was my second play i've ever watched my whole life..
(the first was Macbeth by Shakespeare when i was in Monash)
so we did not expect much from this, 
and it makes us enjoy every little bit of the play to the max!

Balqis even reminded us to 'look nice'..
maybe because we've seen in the movies that people wear nice dresses to the theatre..
so here i was, not with my usual 'floor-sweeping' oversized jeans, 
but with something nicer (i think).

we were so tempted to sneakily snap photos/selfies inside the theatre, but we didn't..
the interior was very classic, as it was opened since 1903!!
(not that i know what other theatres looked like)

so here are the photos that i took from the net so that you can better imagine it 

and here is the opening scene of the play..

if only you have the chance, grab it!
it's worth your every minute and penny!
(but we got the ticket for free, hihi)

picture source :

09 February 2015

Visit Malaysia

I have been telling Paih about this Visit Malaysia Ad on the London Red Buses since last year everytime they pass by... I was wondering what people know about Malaysia, and what makes people attracted to visit us afte looking at this ad...

I'm not an expert, but would people expect that we have endless colourful celebrations all year round?  They are lucky if they come around Hari Merdeka, can wait for the parade and all.. But otherwise, hmmm.. 

Yes i get the idea that we want to portray our cultural diversity with multiracial background, but hmmmm... 

Okeh thats just my thoughts on this..

Btw, i really hope that one day i will have the chance to join the crowd in watching the real-life 'perbarisan hari merdeka'.. That has always been my childhood dream.. I can still remember my childhood 'pagi merdeka', watching the perbarisan on the TV and sing along 'inilah..barisan kita..yang ikhlass berjuang..'

08 February 2015

Teal Ribbon - PCOS Awareness!

i was preparing my slides for my project dissertation
and i've just discovered that PCOS has its own 'coloured ribbon'..
its a TEAL ribbon!
one of my favourite colour

i'm not a good writer
but suddenly it appeared to me that i should use my blog to spread awareness about PCOS
i'm not ashamed of my PCOS..
i have a lot to say about it..

why do i think awareness about PCOS is important?
for me, it's not only about your irregular period..
not only about your sub fertility..
not only about your cysts..
it's a lot more than that
every parts of your body are saying something about your PCOS..

it involves EVERYTHING you have to know about your health...
it affects your insulin, and later you are more susceptible to diabetes
..and subsequently put you at risk of cardiovascular disease
not to forget the risk of getting endometrial cancer (scary huh?)

but it's not all nightmares..
people with PCOS are believe to have 'thrifty gene'..
the gene for survival..

when i did some Googling about PCOS websites/blogs
i noticed that most of them are for advertorial purposes
people are selling diet plans/supplements/weightloss tips etc..
and i thought, why don't i share my stories.. 
not only my personal stories, but bits and pieces of things along my research journey..
my research is quite molecular..
too subspecific.. but to get to that point, i discovered new things everyday..

it will be A LOT if i would start talking about it now..
i will write about it bit by bit later..

btw, my blog colour theme matched this PCOS campaign right?!
so does my macbook cover and mouse!

pic source :

05 February 2015

Merah Jambu

pink sangat tak slides saya?
saya dah plan dah nak bitau awal-awal mase presentation tu yang saya sengaja buat pink..
so takdela orang fikir saya bajet kiut kan.. LOL
short informal presentations je pon ni
tapi saya terlebih rajin la spend masa buat sendiri background ni
background UCL yang ready-made takde warne soft pink
dan jangan risau, tiada maklumat pesakit pon pada slides yang saya screenshot ni..

so sekarang ayuh kite mencari bahan untuk diisi pada slide itu pula!
*sambil mendengar lagu Celine Dion*

03 February 2015

The Year of Fruits or Flowers

Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang! 
Baru 4 tahun keee kite kawin? Rase macam dah kawin 100 tahuunn je.. Bukan dah bosan, tapi macam dah tak ingat hidup tanpa awak! 

According to tradition, on 4th anniversary   we should give each other fruits and flowers, so we'll do the shopping 1st thing in the morning tomorrow! 

01 February 2015

Priority Seating

setiap kali naik bus, saya amat tidak selesa duduk tingkat bawah
sebab rase amat conscious terhadap penumpang-penumpang lain..
terfikir 'eh makcik ni cukup tua tak utk saya bangun and offer my seat?'
memang benda ni tak perlu penat fikir sangat pun
kalau di Malaysia memang saya rasa clear-cut sikit antara tua dan muda
tapi di sini kadang-kadang yang tua tak rasa tua sangat
semangat juang mereka masih kuat sampai ke bongkok tiga
kadang-kadang risau kalau mereka feel insulted anggap mereka tak mampu berdiri..
so daripada saya confuse2 fikir perlu offer ke tak seat saya kepada orang-orang lain, saya akan terus naik ke tingkat atas kalau perjalanan bus melebihi 10 minit..

macam besar la sangat kan masalah saya ni
cuma di sini cuma saya nak kongsikan bahawa orang tua mereka berbeza
haritu ade sorang pakcik tu mcm dah jalan pon takdela stabil sangat..
saya bangun dan offer seat saya..
lantas die berkata 'so, what about you?'
erk..takkan saya nak cakap yang saya masih muda dan masih bertenaga gagah perkasa kan
so saya jawab aje 'my stop is just few stops away'..

tiba-tiba teringat naik #londonredbus ngan Mummy and Daddy aritu


This is my new wallpaper for the aifon... 
I can feel some kind of peace in my chest looking at this pic.. 
It perfectly describes my definition of a perfect day, sitting down with probably hotchoc in my type of mug, doing things with no due date.. 
InsyaAllah, one day i can find that peace.. 

Pic source : Google