
06 January 2015

Seventh Anniversary!

Be prepared! my entries will be flooded with our winterbreak pics soon.. Oh i missed the entry for 26th of December and 1st of January, the dates that reminds me how lucky I was to find him *blush-blush* ^_^

So now we are back to London after TWELVE days in Italy! Omg, seriously it was the trip of our lifetime..we have dreamt for this trip for six(maybe) years.. We had so much fun compiling our 'travel-the-world-with-us' wishlist back then.. *soo childish!!* we promised ourselves to update that blog while ticking off the list, but time passed by, we were carried away with 'growing-up' that we forgot about it. 

So Sayang, Happy Anniversary to us! Hope you had a great time, as much as i did, during this winter break with Mummy, Daddy and Balqis. 

You are my Hunny Bunny
You are the Love that can never be replaced. 
You are my perfect imperfection! 

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