
31 March 2010

tensi nye saye
2jam membazir
saye duk dlm studentcommonroom nih
nk wat keje la kononnye
then dtg X nih
die mmg byk mulut
asyik duk ckp itu ini itu ini
asal2nye die dh nk balik
sbb tuh saye takdela pk nk lari g library ke ape
then tk abis2 die ckp
aaaaaaaaaa nyesalnye saye!!
napela saye tk decide awal2 nk g library
then skrg saye dh not in the mood to prepare the slides dh
n not in the mood for anything dh pon
i know sometimes borak can be both ways
but this time, i'm not at fault
i tried to dismiss him but he asked this and that


isnt this funny?

29 March 2010

Gastrin, pls stop...

the weird thing is...
saye tgh mengidam
ikan goreng
aaaaa terase sgt terembes2 airliur dan gastric juice kuu....

27 March 2010

can someone pls stop the ticking time?

24 March 2010


wuaaa seronoknyeee g tgk bookshelves kat Coop td...mmg sgt overwhelmed..napela saye tk terpk dr awal nk cari buku2 yg saye nk cari kat situh..ade a few yg menggamit hati saye tp masih hesitate nk bli memandangkan keadaan belom mengizinkan...saye dh dpt idea camane nk sorok buku2 tuh sume from adik2 saye...masukkan dlm kotak2 buku medic nanti..then masuk rumah sndiri nanti terus je masukkan kat rak sendiri..time tuh dh takpela kan diorg tgk buku2 tuh kat rak... saye pon dh start ask around psl buku ape utk Paeds yg lg detail..ala2 utk physician exam tuh...sgt berharap juge agar motivasi utk saye pursue in Paeds bermekar2 walaupon sudah berada di tanah air nanti...amiin... at the mean time, i'll keep an eye on the books on the shelves...mmg murah gile excellent condition plak tuh....aaaa sgt overwhelmed...seronok :) i dont think it's too soon...where else can we get these books within ~$10-$15 range...kat mesia buku2 nih sume harga meletup2...

omg!! tibe2 rase cuak sbb i cudnt decide on the colour yet!
saye kan jenis suke mengomen
sng je nk ckp 'tk suke itu tk suke ini'
tp sgt susah utk ckp 'saye nk itu saye nk ini'
and bile saye decide yg saye suke on something..
saye akan ade doubt 'what if ppl got me the wrong tone'
aduh aduh aduh...
tawakkal je la..

23 March 2010

HyperActive me.

saye sgt hyper at the moment
double shot of caffeine!!
at least i get to almost finish up my chronic disease module
n i get to handwash all my clothes n undies
and mysteriously...the interns were so nice to me today.
my intern insisted me on having lunch early and do my own works.
when i got back to the ward after the casepresentation, they were surprised and say'
'hey, u dont need to come back..just go back'
omg.i like!!!
the co-intern was also smiling at me since yesterday
maybe because she alrady 'used' me a lot and just realised how helpful i am :p ...i dont know..
hope for a better tomorrowS.
but on the other hand, i'm still confused abt the modules.
i dont think we need to present all of them to the consultant
i thought it's only a compilation of case notes that u show to the supervisor before they sign-off assessment form.
unlucky me la kot if my consultant wants to see it thoroughly.
but all in all, i'm soooo over the moon today.
i think i really should have coffee on weekends so that i get all the house chores done.

22 March 2010


keadaan di ward masih stressful
it's soo hard when ur every mistakes are counted
but all ur contributions and little helps just go down the drain
it's even worse when ur are misjudged and misunderstood
eg: the interns are gone, the reg grabbed the notes before me, then he started writing the notes, suddenly the nurse asked the reg to write something on the drugchart, at the same time the consultant was examining the patient and reported the findings, when she found out that the reg's ears werent available for her, she turned to me 'u should help him to write the notes and he should not do all the work by himself'
omg! terase mcm sgt tajam kata2 consultant itu
tatau die berniat ke tak
tp mcm terasa die nk kate saye sebagai final year tidak membantu dokter itu
padahal sebetulnye saye rase saye patut tulis notes hanya bile tiada dokter yg grab notes tuh
takkan saye nk berebut dgn reg itu
mmg kebetulan ade nurse mintak reg itu tulis drug..ofkos saye takle tlg tulis kat drugchart itu kan.
setiap hari ade bende2 camtuh la buat saye down.
as if u r not helping at all.
no sense of appreciation.
helllo, i'm supposed to be there to learn.
not to run around doing ur jobs.
do u ever consider that we got there everyday at 8am and finish only at about 5-6pm everyday
taking bloods pon mmg masalah btol.
i really shudnt drink tea/coffee before wards.
i had lunch and tea right before attempting cannulation.
i failed!!
so i called the intern and told him 'no luck'.
i told him that the vein was obvious but i missed it.
he said 'what's the issue?' with THAT intonation.
aaaaaa...what's with that intonation?
i'm not supposed to be a pro yet.
why do u always SEE the failed attempts?
dont u count all the successful ones?
eg: this morning soon after i arrived, u asked me to take some bloods and it was ok kan?
it's and urgent n panicky situation pon kan?
did u ever ask me and congratulate or even thank me for all the bungs i managed to put in?
yaAllah, ease my mind, ease my pain, ease my journey....

20 March 2010

saye suke wiken ini!!
buahhatiku tidak perlu keje wiken!!
oleh yg demikian, bercinta sepenuh masa ;p
tidak seperti hari2 bekerja
hari2 bekerja sgt menyeksakan kerana hanya beberapa msg setiap beberapa jam sahaja..


td dlm buku 'obat lemahnya iman'...
salah satu fenomena iman yg lemah adalah
'dada terasa sesak, jiwa terasa terbelenggu'
'jiwa tak tenang dgn perkara2 remeh..etc'

hmmm...mmg terase terpukul
tp alhamdulillah hati masih basah utk 'terasa'
mmg terasa la yg saye nih sentiasa cuak ngan bende2 kecik je
mmg saye jenis anxious...
tk suke wat keje last minute etc
tp mmg dpt rase last week mmg a bad week
padahal remeh je bende2 yg saye tensi tuh
tp maksudnye hati tak tenang...
Allah, terimalah taubatku...
saye tau saye melakukan dosa wiken lepas

17 March 2010

Go go Sarah!!

yaAllah...permudahkanlah urusan hambaMu ini...
saye rase mcm tk gerak2 keje modules saye nih
patut bole wat spanjang petang nih sbb intern saye afternoon off
tp co-intern tuh berharap saye dpt stay kat ward utk tlg2
turun naik turun naik dh membazir mase saye
skrg saye cube nk wat keje
tp otak ligat stresskan lifestyle saye nih
dh berhari2 saye tk ke gym
membazir duit!!
bukannye ape
skaranga nih kdg2 nk dkt kol 6 baru nk pulang dr ward
bile pulang tuh dh penat kan
and arituh plak wiken mmg lg la susah nk pegi
aduuuh..tlgla bermotivasi kembali
pantaskanlah buat keje2 tuh
saye kan mcm jenis attention deficit skit..
mcm sume bende rase nk buat dlm satu masa
so sgt serabut susunkan patient dlm kpale utk stp modules
sbb tk siap 1 module pon lg saye dh pk psl patient utk module lain
kene berpegang kpd pepatah
'jgn yg dikejar tk dpt, yg dikendong berciciran...'

16 March 2010

ape ertinya wang ringgit...

stp hari around 8pm waktu oz
saye akan cuak menunggu...
mcm nk kene tunggu hukuman gantung
and arinih mcm dpt hukuman penjara seumur idup
'xxx, arinih ot lg..tatau balik kol bape :('
ape lg yg mampu dikatakan selain
'kite sabar ye xxx'...

i'm trying hard to be more materialistic
so that all this aches and pains are worth it
if i'm materialistic enough, his paychecks will override my longing
but unfortunately i'm not :(
i dont care how much he earns..all i care about is us...
incompatibility of the time zones and waking hours are soooo torturing...

15 March 2010

motivated but exhausted..
no energy for anything...
early day tomorrow, 7.30am..
the interns were wondering why did the consultant wants us to be there that early...

:( day..

i hate days like today
nothing went right
- paih tk sihat
- saye ngantuk gile on ward rounds, kaki lenguh gile
- bekal tetinggal dlm kete n spanjang ari panas pastuh ptg dh basi
- tertinggal ID kat umah pastuh nk masuk staff cafe kene tunggu belas ihsan org
- copied the blood result in 'different' order --> memalukan dpn reg n interns n partner
- respi function lab didnt pick up the calls, they didnt even return my call
- tried to draw out blood from 2 patients after smitha couldnt - but i failed both too eventhough i managed to get nearer to the vein than she did
- scribed during the round but i found it hard to keep up with the consultant's pace

dh lupe ape lg bende2 yg tk best arinih...
i've never had this kind of day so far since this new rotation
i think i know the reason...

13 March 2010

Shy Shy Girl

budak2 kecik nih pon tau malu kan
nape ade org yg dh lg tua tp tak malu2
tak segan silu menggedik
tanpa segan silu offer diri kan
mcm desperate sgt ok
saye tatau la benchmark org lain camane
tp bg saye mmg tatau malu kalo pd 1st occasion dgn org tk berkenaan pon nk terus tanye org tuh dh kawin blom
then tk pasal2 offer diri nk g umah org tuh kan
then msg2 org tuh tanye khabar
tanye khabar kwn tk salah
tp random ppl yg tk kenal pon
ape barrr...
tuh blom lg masuk bab pompuan tatau malu menggedik bermanja mcm dlm drama
tlg la tahu malu skit ye n tak kaco org punye..
kalo org tuh single skali pon, pls la ade harga diri skit
jgn duk sepantas kilat nk grab je
tk mengundur diri plak tuh bile ckp org tuh unavailable
lg mau buat2 tk caye...
sakit ati saye ngan pompuan2 gediks didunia ini..

12 March 2010

smalam spanjang hari best kat ward walaupon pg tuh tk berape best
susah laa kalo sentiasa pk ape impression org kan
pg2 kan intern tuh ckp start kol 8
so saye sampai awal ke spital dan saye nk lepak2 minum kopi dulu la sampai tepat kol 8
saye malas nk masuk ward awal sbb mls la buat extra keje yg tk membantu pembelajaran pon
tp intern saye dh nampak saye jln kaki g cafe awal2 tuh
bukan tk ikhlas nk takpe la kalo tk perlu kan
saye bukan nk referral letter utk mintak keje kt sinih pon
so bile saye sampai kol 8 tepat kat ward tuh saye tak nampak intern saye
ward kat Dandee tuh mmg berbelit skit
byk cabang2
so mmg saye tk jumpe die pg tuh kol 8
saye nampak partner 5th yr saye tgh wat keje skit sbb intern die bg task
so saye temankan die prektis utk present
sampai la 8.20 baru saye g kat nursing station yg utama dan nampak intern saye
persoalannye adelah : apekah impression die nampak saye kol 8.2o?
adekah die tau saye sudah lame berada di ward atau die akan pk saye nih slacking lmbt masuk ward?
aaa tk suke kan bende camnih
pastu after lunch break saye naik awal ke ward
tgk2 intern saye takde lg
so saye g satu cabang ward n amik info ttg sorg patient utk module saye
then bile intern saye jumpe saye, die tanye saye buat ape
die ckp die duk pk keje apelaa yg die suruh saye buat
mmg die understanding je keperluan modules tp mcm susah laa ur every move dianalisa kan..
tp pagi tuh agak interesting laa
ade rezeki reg ajak g tgk bronchoscopy
spanjang 3rd yr tak penah saye tgk bronchoscopy tau
dahla die walk me through the whole procedure
explain every anatomy of the respi tract
quizzed me on a few things so that my brain works
pastuh bile reg tuh plak yg buat procedure tuh, the specialist tuh plak baik gile ckp
'i'll walk u through everything'
waaa sweetnyee...
time tuh tk putus2 saye ckp alhamdulillah dlm hati
alhamdulillah Allah hantar org2 yg baik utk menyampaikan ilmuNya kpd saye
utk blaja clinical medicine, what u need the most is great teachers
tk kire la dh khatam kumar n clark ke khatam davidson ke
tp ape yg senang lekat dlm kpale adelah kata2 dr org atasan
they know what to ask u and what u need to know
this is not something under ur control
i guess this is berkat doa ibu
mami has always been specific with her doa
sbb Allah la yg menentukan semuanya
everytime i've been given a task pon saye akan bace robbishrohli
agar kata2 saye akan lebih baik
pergantungan kite haruslah sepenuhnya kpd Allah dlm kite berusaha..

11 March 2010


so far mmg best rotation gen med nih
best sbb intern best gile suke mengajar
maybe sbb ade 3rd yr yg sgt nerd gak kot
so agak tercabar kalo tatau jwb soalan intern tuh kan
tp so far ok la
tp intern tuh akan rotate dlm 3minggu lg
try tanak pk psl modules
saye dh nk try start buat modules tp cume mls pk nk kene present kat consultant
buat siap2 dulu sume
hopefully by next week siapkan sume terus
then week 3 cari chance utk present
then bole pk MCR
then bole pk case presentation
menarik arinih saye buat cannulation yg dh bertahun lame tk buat
nsb baik buat on budak laki, vein die besar dan gagah
die ade TB
agak cuak gak kalo teraccident pape kan
tp alhamdulillah ok
macik kedua tuh plak mmg vein yg susah
saye tgk2 camtuh je la vein die
n intern saye yg attempt
he attempted twice la jugak baru dpt flash
and dpt tgk satu arterial blood gas
pecaye tak spanjang saye 3rd yr dulu tk pnah tgk ABG pon
sbb tk pnah on respi ward pon
mase on AMCU ward pon team lain yg dpt chance
so saye rase within 2 days pon dh baaanyak sgt bende saye belajar
reinforcement mmg tayah ckp la, mmg sgt banyaak recall bende2 yg dh lame ditinggalkan
arinih buat discharge summary
co-intern team kami puji tulisan saye :)
ofkosla tulisan pompuan mlayu cun dan kemas dan bole dibace kan..
then saye chase up lung function result
seriously sblum nih saye sgt tk suke kene buat phone calls utk chase up anything
tp dh buat skali td dh rase mcm yakin plak
sbb intern tuh bg clear instructions kot
so dh confident aa..
hopefully esok dan seterusnye akan lebih bagus dan lebih menarik perjalanan idupku...
oh td pon sedih sgt tibe2..
tibe2 rindu kat baba...
time tuh tgh tgk ABG tuh la
mmg sakit gile ABG tuh..
pacik nih dh la tua, tahan je sakit
muke berkerut2 mengerang kesakitan...
saye pon menggenggam erat tangganye ketika die sakit itu
ketika itu terase sperti sgt terharu
die berulang kali mengucapkan terima kasih kepada saye lps tuh
die juge mengucapkan terima kasih kpd intern tuh
baiknyee pacik nih, dh sakitkan die pon bole die berterima kasih lg
ailabiu pacik!

10 March 2010

Penyu dan Terengganu

sedang saye membace berita
srt khbr oz plak tuh
ade cite psl penyu di malaysia..
mmg keadaan yg membimbangkan..

Sharma said that some 10,000 leatherback turtles nested in Terengganu every year in the 1950s but that this had been reduced to just 10 a year at present.

byk kali plak tuh cite psl terengganu
nk buat camane, mmg terjual scare terbuka pon telur penyu tuh kat pasar..


saye sering menjadi mangsa dokter2
mangsa ditolak ke sane sini
geram gak rase
tp mmg camtuh la adatnye kan
semalam saye dh bitau consultant saye yg saye akan g lectures kat MMC pg nih
consultant ckp ok
pastuh sblum balik saye bitau intern saye psl lecture tuh
pastuh die tanye 'esok ptg awak dtg tk?'
saye mmg pk tanak dtg la kan sbb slalunye takde pape dh
jauh plak tuh
spital lain2
pastuh saye ckp je la 'hmm..saye bole je nk dtg..ade ape2 ke ptg?'
die ckp 'saye sbg intern tk kisah je awak dtg ke tak, tp saye rase reg kisah..'
saye pon ckp 'saye akan dtg esok ptg kalo camtuh'
harinih lps lecture cpt2 saye g lunch bersama rakan2
kemudian drive dgn rushingnye ke Dandee
setiba di ward, intern tidak kelihatan
saye pk die tgh lunch
saye pon tunggu je dulu
lps stgh jam saye paged die
then another intern from team kitorg tepon saye
die bitau yg intern saye afternoon off
die kate ksian kat saye yg dtg smata2 utk ptg nih
die kate slalunye kalo intern ade off, student pon dpt off
tp intern saye lupe nk bitau saye yg die off ptg nih
wat rugi masa dan minyak saye je...
tp tenang je la..
saye pon duk la kat common room nih bace2 arahan utk modules
and blogging
tp saye suke jugak sume cabaran2 camnih
at least my mind is thinking about other things
and takdela nampak bebelan2 saye adelah angauan semata2 kan :p
i found a great articles and tables for dyspnoea
tp printer kat sinih mcm tk idup la plak
kalo kat Casey sng je..
jumpe je pape, print terus
kat sinih katenye ade free printing kat common room
tp common room tuh sure sentiasa penuh
eh tp arini 3rd yr takde
kosong kott...

09 March 2010

Adrenal Crisis

so far gen med mcm best
interns baik
consultant baik
tp dlm beberapa jam nih masih belom membantu ape2 sgt pon
attached to an intern n skrang die suruh lunch break
saye tk bawak bekal pon, so saye bli potato cake je n lepak kat student room nih
bile abis ward round intern tuh akan tanye2 soalan n suruh buat2 keje far tk impressive kot :p
td die tanye 'nape kene wean prednisolone slowly?'
omg, ofkos tau kene wean steroids slowly tp never occured to me 'what happened if it's ceased suddenly'
saye guessed 'withdrawal?'
intern ckp.. 'hmm..we dont uusually call it withdrawal'
n die tanye ape function of steroids in our body
hmmmmmm...long pause there and tersenyum je
everything's already in our brain but need to put them into words
we were normally drilled about the side effects of too much steroids
we know that it affects ur BP, glucose, immune system etc
tp how am i going to put them into words and explain that to the intern
hmmm..try again later ye sarah..
u r not impressive today...

08 March 2010

kembang kempis

i think the workouts are working!

tp, july august cuti sbulan dh cukup membulatkan balik :(
in between graduation n The Ceremony tuh pon ade mase nak mengembang balik...

life has been great lately
weekend pon was great
(tolak la the pain of long-distance dating)
beya n mami ofkos eksaited
4bulan terasa seperti 4 tahun lamenye....
tp time2 stress nanti mesti tk best
nk brangan pon terganggu
esok start rotation baru
and tatau nk harap kene present awal ke cepat
tp tk sukenyeee presentation

p/s: why am i suffering like this?

06 March 2010

why are we tortured like this?
it might be the hormones' talking
i felt so 'empty' the whooole day
raging hormones, cramps, heart-aches
i miss u dear...thanks for always being there..
but my hormones are not thankful enough with us
we sacrificed a lot, didnt we?
few more months...hang in there.....

05 March 2010

wiken panjang skit
tp saye bosan
saye nk kasih syg :(
sumber kasih syg jauh...
bukan tiada curahan kasih syg..
tp tk cukup..
saye tamak...

nuuun di sanaaa...beribu batu....
kau ku tinggalkan, bersama hatiku.....

04 March 2010

My Goldfish Project

izzah berkata
"sarah, kite tk pernah jumpe org yg kuat berangan mcm awak tau"
saye pon berkata kpd izzah
"i'll take that as a compliment, bole kan nk pilih compliment ke ape kan? :p "
sudah tentu la izzah gelak je
hmmm..saye mmg kuat berangan
tp tak sangka plak rupe2nye org lain tk kuat berangan ke
ntah, saye rase otak saye nih mcm byk sgt mase lapang
sentiasa ligat pk utk masa depan :p
izzah bekata mcm td tuh kerana td saye cite psl 'kisah ikan emas'
saye namekannye 'my goldfish project'
saye mendapat idea ini tibe2 semasa bosan tgk senior reg tuh interview patient
memandangkan die sedang prektis utk exam die, jd sgt thorough la die nye interview
otak saye berkesempatan menerawang ke sane sini
saye terpk
'haaaaa, kan comel kalo baby saye bole tgk ikan emas di dalam balang'
saye bole ckp ''
ikan emas warne terang
sesuai utk babies
babies mmg attracted to bright and contrasting colours
tp saye tanak bela dlm akuarium petak tuh
saye tk pernah meminati akuarium pon
tp jika ikan emas saye berada dlm balang mcm dlm kartun tuh kan comel
ikan emas mane bole idup dlm balang camtuh sbnrnye
goldfish nih mengeluarkan toxin both melalui faeces nye dan juge melalui gill nye
bile toxin tuh buildup dlm air tuh bole sampai ke toxic level
ia sering menjadi penyebab sudden death kpd ikan emas ini
wuaa sian kan...
sbb tuh ikan emas perlu kolam besar agar luas permukaan air besar utk air itu di-aerated
kalo dlm akuarium kan org letak yg oxygen yg ade bubble2 tuh kan...
mungkin saye akan cube sedaya upaya cari balang beeeesar
saye ade jumpe last week kat The Glen
tp takkan la saye nk bli terus kan...
tp saye tetap akan berusaha mencapai angan2 saye ini...
go sarah go!
saye mmg sgt suke the idea of 'my kids n pets'
tp saye tk suke kucing
bg saye, kids with pets akan ade sense of responsibility
akan ade perikemanusiaan
berhati lembut
latih die utk care kat bende lain..
takkan jd selfish
they'll know that not everything revolves around them
n apparently bile saye google about kids n pets
mmg angan2 saye tepat
die ckp bole ajar kids to deal with medical issues and illnesses
seronoknye sayeee!

03 March 2010

saye lapar
bukannye saye tk mkn lg
skarang baru kol 1lebey..
kol 10 td baru je mkn nasi
bukan sesenduk nasi
tp sepinggan penuh ok!
tp mengapa saye masih lapar
yg menjadi masalahnye adelah lps ini saye nk ke campus
di sana terdapat nasi yg sgt sedap
jd, jika saye kesana dlm keadaan tidak loya kekenyangan, mmg sudah pasti saye bli nasi di campus
masalah di sini adelah saye ini haruslah berjimat
tidak semestinye berjimat sampai tahan lapar
tp saye nih bile nye penah kenyang?
masalah kedua adalah jika terlalu ikutkan nafsu mkn saye,
tidak mustahil dlm mase staun dua ini saye akan berbadan besar bersaiz org beranak 6
ape yg perlu saye lakukan
saye sudah cube mencari alternative lain utk isi perut saye
kerapkali saye berfikir di supermarket
'apekah yg bole dibeli utk dimakan'
namun tiada ape2 di supermarket yg menambat hati saya
saye tidak suke roti di sini
saye bosan ngan energy bar
dan pelbagai2 lg alasan
ape yg patut saye buat?
saye sudah cube bli buah2an utk mengisi perut saye
org kate mkn buah jd senang kenyang
apetah lg ia high fibre
namun saye tk penah kenyang mkn buah
glucose di dalam nasi itu juga yg saye idam2kan...

01 March 2010

ok, saye dh book appointment esok
kat campus nye clinic
saye nk buat full medical checkup je
nk FBE etc
sbb last 2 yrs saye kan iron-deficient tp saye tk pnah comply ngan iron tablet
memandangkan skarang kan saye ingin mengamalkan gaya idup sihat
dan hari2 saye pegi gym
saye perlu pastikan yg saye tk kekurangan nutrient ape2 lg
nanti kan tk pepasal tk elok utk kesihatan saye yg cube mengurangkan berat badan ini
saye agak bercita2 utk berberat ~50kg by the time saye balik in july
nampak mcm agak ambitious kan
skrang saye ~59-60kg
takdela ambitious sgt sbnrnye
sbb saye on average adelah seberat 54-56
60kg adelah satu rekod utk saye summer2010
setiap summer sblum2 ini hanyala semaximum 58kg
dan towards the middle of the yr saye akan turun sampai 54kg walaupon tk benti makan
mungkin aktvt2 skolah buat saye turun
so kalo tanpa pegi gym stp hari pon akan jd 54kg around june-july every yr,
takkan la dgn g gym saye takle nk jd ambitious skit kan
so my target this yr - 50kg!
dgn harapan saye juge dpt mengawal nafsu mkn saye

i've started collecting 'future' stuffs since i was in 1st yr
i think it's never too soon to buy anything because after all, u'll need them
i stopped buying things last yr bcoz of financial constraint and the space problems
but this yr i'm reconvinced that shipping wont be a problem
the more i buy, the more 'economies of scale' i get
ppl will be very surprised discovering what i already bought
but personally i think i'm grabbing every chance of saving that we can get
i dont wanna sit on my couch looking at my display cabinet in 5-10 years time
and regrets...
'if only i've bought that set bla bla bla for only bla bla bla'
n i dont wanna walk at the supermarket aisle thinking 'omg, how can i pay this much for bla bla's only bla bla bla in oz'..

so safe the future whining...
get on ur spirit n keep collecting sarah!