
25 March 2009

sehari dlm sminggu

hari ini hari rabu.. dan hari isnin dan selase saye tidak pergi ke child psych pooon.. nk kate pemalas bukanla malas sgt.. tp ntah.. hahaha.. isnin tuh dh terjaga kol 7.40am tp cam neutral je, tak terpk kene bgn utk g spital pon.. padahal time2 tuh aa stp pg kene bgn pg2.. pastuh bile dh kol 8.15am tuh terjaga lg n baru teringat yani slalu dtg amik time2 tuh stp pg.. wuaaa terus call yani n ckp tanak g spital aa sbb dh tk smpt.. padahal kalo la bgn time tuh kan n mandi n terus jln kaki g busloop mayeb dpt naik bas yg bole sampai spital dlm 9.30 ke camtuh aa..lmbt stgh jam je aa tk kuasa la kan sbb tatau bus ade kol bape.. pastuh plak pk child psych slalu org ckp bosan.. bile dh mlm tuh baru budak2 nih ckp consultant utk child psych stp minggu dtg isnin ngan rabu je.. so kirenye saye dh kire amat rugi dan tidak wise aa utk ponteng isnin...wuaa mane la saye tau kan.. so burnt aaa isnin.. pastuh pg slasa plak bile dh semangat2 bgn..siap ngan hypomanic lg tuh..yani ckp nk g lmbt plak.. bile dh nk dkt tghari tuh saye pk tayah g aa child psych sbb bukan ade dokter pon slasa kan.. pastuh lps saye cancel utk g ngan yani, pastuh2 yani pon tk jd g sbb die migraine.. so hari ini hari RABU dan saye 1st day pegi child psych.. hahaha mesti aa cuak kalo2 org kat situ prasan kan asal budak nih start rabu..mane die pegi time isnin aritu? hahahaha tp alhamdulillah everything went well. dh dpt timesheet signed off!!! so esok dan lusaa tayah dtg dh sbb dah takde dokter pon... tp konon2 nk skema kan.. g aa spend 2 3 jam pg esok lusa tuh study kat bilik situh pastuh morning break pastuh lari aa ke library.. wuaaa sronoknyeee dpt ponteng minggu ini dgn jayanya! eventho saye ponteng 2 hari sblum nih, saye bernasibbaik harinih dpt chance utk duk blakang cermin satu hala tuh tgk autistic assessement!! rare chance tuh! slalunye susah nk dpt utk tgk child psych nye consultation sbb diorg sensitive la ape la mcm2 laa.. tp arinih saye sgt sukeee dan happpy dpt tgk case semenarik ini menarik kerana budak itu tidak bermasalah sgt pon.. mak ayah die lg bermasalah kot..

budak nih saye bg aa name joe (sempena bekas crush saye :p)..joe ini berusia 3 taun.. maknya adelah seorang speech pathologist yg deal ngan autistic children.. so mak die nih sgt knowlegdable la kan dlm bidang2 nih.. so die dtg arinih kerana mak die suspect anak die ade asperger's syndrome..mak die ckp mak die dh bawak joe nih g jumpe mcm2 org dh..pastuh mak die sendiri dah buat mcm2 test on anak die.. one of the remark made by the speech pathologist when we were discussing the case before the consultation (after reading joe's files)..'where's the mom?' where's the mum who shud be doing the nurturing stuff.. his mom seems to treat him more like he's one of the patient.. with all the tests. she even suggested comic strips therapy etc..come on la, he's only 3! ok.. before we even met him pon we somehow got the idea of his medicalised mom.. soo saye pon duk ngan ben disebalik cermin itu.. dan menyaksikan...
mak die complained of joe not having good friendship with other kids at the childcare la.. pastuh complained that joe didnt reach the milestones la blablabla... joe nih prem baby.. die lahir mase die 28th week gestation kot.. ke 25th, tk igt sgt aa.. tp die prem baby aa.. ofcourse aa tuh dh sgt traumatic kan.. and a bit delay is understandable aa utk die nih.. mak die aaa cam ade sgt tinggi expectation etc.. susah utk didescribe tp mak die tried to intellectualised everything..when she's asked abt how did she feel after the delivery kan.. die ckp 'oh we went through all the books and did all the study bla bla bla'.. mcm denying the emotion aa.. and sorg dokter nih g temankan joe dan mak die g toilet tgh2 tuh kan.. pastuh dokter nih cite aa yg mak joe nih cam sgt pushy nyee utk joe.. cth nye 'oh joe, where r we going now joe?? oh we are going to the toilet.,arent we?.. and which door is the toilet? it's on the right, joe..' mcm sume pon bg direction kat anak die cam terlalu pressure aa.. give him a break aa!! let him play!!!!!!!
sejam lebey saye disebalik cermin satu hala tuh melihat joe bermain sambil mak die diinterview.. sgt comelll.. wuaa sgt clucky la sudah tentu kan.. joe sgt adorable.. he went through a lot la... mak die aaa kejam kot. tp mmg aa nmpk mak die baik.. tp sian joe cam kehilangan kasih syg kot sbb mak die sgt medicalised.. he didnt even have asperger's!! consultant saye suspect budak tuh depressed sbb mak die depresseed (in denial kot).. so budak tuh cume a bit delayed emotionally aa.. motor skills die ke ape ke sume ok je. die cume cam budak berumur 2 taun instead of 3 taun umur sbnr die.. tp mak die over aa... saye ckp aa kat consultant kan.. 'the pressure of knowing too much'.. pastuh consultant tuh cite aaa mmg susah aa dokter nk jd patient.. apparently the consultant's wife is a paedetrician dan bile anak die masuk spital arituh sgt laaaaa seksa!

in short...somehow, ignorance is a bliss~

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