
28 June 2008

5minit sbelum kol 10pg

today will b a long day...hurmm.. hopefully not la.
tp. enpon kan ade :p

smlm pon kite tdo lmbt plak.dh 2 hari tdo awal, smlm wat hal balik.sume salah cite tuh aa.
mlm nih aa start other choice so that the pic will all b nice..sovereign hill sabaar.

26 June 2008

sekai no chuushin de ai wo sakebu

hatiku riang!!

saye sudah mulekan tdo awal dan bgn awal.. tp bgn td kol 8 gak la walopon sudah tjage 6 lebey. wat ape pon kan bgn awal2 cuti2 nih.hahaha.

smlm sudah saye mulekan episod pertame sekai no chuushin de ai wo sakebu ituh. saye telah dgn semangnye start mengdownload nye sedikit demi sdikit sejak berminggu2 yg lalu. saye sgt tak sbr kerana ade mereka mmbuat penggambaran di The Red Centre, iaitu sebuah batu besar yg menjadi tarikan pelancong di tgh2 gurun di oz ini. dlm state Northern Territory aa batu tpt tuh ayers rock kot.uluru pon org pgl gak. saye pon tidak pasti which 1 is for what.

tajuk drama itu juge sudah cukup utk saye tersentuh, crying out love in the centre of the world. hmmm.. di tgh2 dunia, laungkan cinta.. hmm..catchy!!!

namun.. stakat 1 episod smlm, hati saye lgsg belum terusik.. hero dan heroin nye gagal membuat saye terase doki-doki nye itu. gagal!! walopon cerita itu mempunyai review yg baik2 blake, namun cinta saye bukan pd lelaki itu mahupun pompuan itu. cube laaa ogurishun blakon, sure saye doki2 sampai pecah dada nyee...

25 June 2008

santun lebih mulia berbanding cantik

jom jadi ayu dan santun!!


sudah tentu kite tak bole tdo kalo heart rate dah melebihi tahap normal.tachycardic! dan kemudian sudah tentu muke kite sembab.dan kemudian kite dah mendapati pertumbuhannye jerawat yg sgt banyak di muke.ini fenomena luar biase sejak 3 4 tahun kebelakangan ini.zaman2 mude remaje dulu mmg sudah biaselaa jerawat2 sjak tua2 nih jerawat kecik tumbuh hanyalah sbjik dlm berbulan2. namun kini... (sile zoom in gmbr utk bukti sebenar dan nyata)

  • pertame, mungkin tdo yg tidak menentu mengubah jam biologi. penghasilan melatonin dan gelap cerah tdo sudah kucar kacir. :(
  • kedua, mungkin perubahan cuaca pd musim ini membuat kan kadar penghasilan sebum berubah dan menjadi haywire.
  • ketiga, mungkin kite mengalami dehydrasi kerana kurang minum air.kite mmg la tk suke minum air tawar2 nih.
  • keempat, mungkin juge cuaca menambah penggalakan penghidupan organism2 di bantal or slimut or sleeping bag or towel..
  • kelima, mungkin kerana kulit tk seswai dgn Garnier ituh. tp takkan la lps 3 bulan lebey baru nk camnih.
  • keenam, mungkin juge kerana dilamun C***A . hukhukhuk ~_^
  • kite nampaknye kene start btolkan balik waktu tdo.lgpon nk skolah dah nanti.nk g amik gmbr ngan aween lg pon minggu dpn,tanak laa kan muke sembab2 camnih. pastuh abis aaa hormon kite pon affected laaa..
  • kite kene lg kerap tukar towel and quilt cover.. n bole pakai yg baru bli last week!! haaa, nih alasan nk bli byk2 lg quilt cover baru.. kite nk jugak beli yg grand2 cam muni nye.. namun kite nye single bed, so cam tk bergune sgt di masa hadapan :p so tk worth laaa kan berhabis2an sgt...
  • idea yg takle dipakai : patutkah kite putus c***a balik?? hahaha. jgn nk buat hal ek sarah.

23 June 2008

sudah tidak muat

awak.. awak gemuk laa.. skali awak masuk, amik sume space. tamak.dah tk bg2 dah ruang kat org lain plak nak masuk jugak. saye nk bg org lain masuk pon awak tanak kuar2 lg.


saye gemok ke kurus wak? :p hihihi.


22 June 2008

hareru ka mo ne

stlh berpening2an tgk cite 'hello baby' tuh..akhirnye abis jua 16episod. cite korea nih kdg2 bosan gile kebodohan nye alang2 dh tgk kan n takde bende lain nk wat..kite ngan kemal pon layan jelaa,, lg plak dh jatuh cinta ngan huangdongkui tuh.mmg stp kali kamera stop kat muke die kite ngan kemal terjerit sambil menahan dada dr pecah kerana terlalu kuat degupan jantung kami. cardiac output meningkat serta.ape jua antiarrhytmatic drug yg ditelan blom tentu mampu membuat kami kembali ke sinus rhythm.(alamak, nauzubillah..).
yg sakit kpale sampai bedenyut2nye adelah subtitle cam gile itu.sgt buruk aa translation sehinggakan tiada langsung ayat yg make sense.bukan stakat salah eja ataupon pemilihan perktaan yg tidak seswai, malah, pemilihan perkataan di tempat yg tiada kaitan lgsg. episod demi episod, sub nye makin teruk dan berbeza. namun,, kami cubela pahami sendiri sume dgn hipothesis2 sendiri. plg klakar theme park ituh die translate sbg 'TEMAPAKE' dgn huruf besar plak tuh.. mmg la diorg sbut camtuh.. tp tak payah la wat camtuh skali shinggakan kami tertanye2 pd mulenye. tuh blom ckp boston uni.. jd nye 'BOSTONUNIYUE' ape ntah... tp at least la ade bunyik nye tuh dr die g suke ati pilih2 word lain.

ashita hareru ka na?
hareru ka mo ne..

21 June 2008

sakit perut sgt2.
nk nangis.

ke epot?

harinih mcm agak sejuk.or sbb kite tk pakai sweater? kite cam rase tk sdp atii je sbb mcm idup tkde tjuan walopon kite suke. tp risau sbb konon2 beria nk study utk cover 1st sem arituh yg byk gile lg tk cover. mmg la tuh sume takkan abis tp kalo tk wat ape2 lgsg tkle jugak. konon2 nk bace sth, tp sehari smpt satu prenggan je. except for last week ari isnin tuh smpt a few hours bace patho. patho laa yg byk sbnrnye. mmg la cam nerd je cuti2 pon wat keje tp sbb sblum nih byk sgt main, tanak aa smate2 tanak bergelar nerd terus korbankan mase. sminggu dh berlalu :(((

skrg tgh dgr mou jugak laa lagu nih.esp suara pompuan tuh. tp mlgnye tk jumpe romaji die.english translation je gak kisah die sbb cam comeyl.ckp psl diorg tgk dvd la, pstuh pasal pompuan tuh shopping la.comeyl sgt2! nk karaoke pon tk reti, tp paih ade bg la a few lines utk kite karaoke. pastuh tringat plak rase nk bace skali lg novel tenggelamnya kapal vanderwick tuh. nk balik cari la buku tuh.bole wat koleksi dlm library rumah nanti.

tell me why you had to go..

20 June 2008

pesta pantun kebangsaan

oh bulan.. di manakah bintang,
sudah terlindung di kayu ara

oh sayang.. di manakah bujang,
sudah menjadi org perkasa...

monolog: saye tidak suke org basahkan bilik air saye ituh.
tp kalo mengeluh tk dpt pahala.
namun saye tk mampu mengawal monolog saye ini. :(

perkara pertama saye akan bli bile duit masuk minggu depan

saye sgt berkenan dgn stoneware yg ade tulis utensil td..yg bole ltk2 senduk2 kayu tuh..wuaa sgt berkenan.kat oriental plak kire la, nk jugak.namun nsb baik saye dpt igtkan diri saye yg saye nih bankrupt. :((. disamping itu saye sgt juge berkenan dgn 3stack-cake-plate ituh.sgt matching dgn yg saye sudah ade..ape kate kalo masuk je duit nanti saye terus ke sane utk bli ituh. bkas utensil tuh saye bli 3 kot sbb bole bg suti skali ngan mama yah. utk diri sendiri lg.utk cik nk kene bli tk? ooohhh sgt suke sgt sukee.. kalo la saye dh ade dpo sdiri btol2. nsb baik omma tk pencen lg time saye start keje nanti sbb i might need some back up utk memulekan idup nanti.mcm2 lg nk kene bli. display cabinet pon nk kene bli. aduh,aduh sakit dh nih otak kerana terlalu laju angan2 saye lalu di depan mata.deras sungguh arus angan2 kalo sudah dimulekan tuh. ape2 pon, kene blaja dulu la ye.nanti bole pk psl k****.pastuh pk psl brg2 dapo.pastuh brg2 rumah. hahahahhaha sronok2. tanpa the former pon the latter bole je jalan kan.

bersukan elok untuk kesihatan anda

i really want a proper-long-lasting baking set for my birthday!!

and OMG, cane awak bole lupe 1st anniversary, wak.
saye nk tlg igtkan pon saye lupe la plak awak.
awak siap marah2 die lg tuh pg td bgn lmbt.
klakar la awak nih!

tp saye sgt happy utk jd one of the few witnesses.
a year!!!
wishing u guys years of great marriage ahead~~

(saye tanak la mengantoikan awak dgn ltk gmbr disnih.hihi baiknyee saye :p)

19 June 2008


Jika kerja jadi ibadah, Allah adalah ‘CEO’ kita.

The unsung hero beroleh quwwah, untuk terus membuat kebaikan, biar sekecil mana pun di mata insan.

Jika kerja jadi ibadah, ia jalan Taqarrub kepada Allah.
Tidak tergamak menghambur dosa, kerja dibuat sebaik yang upaya.

Jika kerja jadi ibadah, biar sempit jalan KEPERLUAN, asalkan luas perjalanan mencapai TUJUAN.

Ubah paradigma, betulkan nilai pada kerja.

Teruskan cita-cita kalian menjadi doktor.

Ia cara terbesar, kamu zahirkan syukur kepada-Nya.

Kita hamba-Nya, kita Khalifah-Nya.

baju tdo pingu ku

aduih laa... kite dh bgn dah kol 11.mandi2 pastuh siap2kan breakfast.pastuh sambil2 tuh tgk2 komp.pastuh kemal ckp die nk g anta buku kat librar. kite pon tringat yg kite kene anta buku jugak..mlsnyee pk nk kuar kene tukar baju,pastuh kite tanye kemal nk pakai baju ape.kemal pon suruh je kite pakai je baju tido nih n cover ngan sweater kat luar.kite pon bsiap2 la sdikit2.kite tanye kemal..cane kalo jumpe martin..kemal ckp....

nanti mesti die kagum..anak murid aku nih bgn tdo je terus g library..

kite pon happy la dgn idea itu.kemudian kami berjalan la ke library..nk sampai kat library tuh dkt ngan dpn lt3 tuh nmpk la sekumpulan 3 org berdiskusi.dn terus kemal terjerit name kite.aduuuh maaak..martin tuh!!! kami pon buat2 relax.martin nampak kami, dan melambaikan tangganye. kite nih tatahu nk buat prasan ke tak,so tgk je la kat die n pastuh pandang tpt lain.wuaaaaa... kalo la die tk diskusi mestila bole lambai die balik n bg senyuman termanis utk die.hahahaha.gdixs.
baju tido oh baju nsb baik ah tukar sluar.kite pakai jeans.kalo kite stay pakai sluar tdo tuh mmg cam org igt patient malu ngan martin aa martin tau kite bukan patient.

18 June 2008

cam nak nangis
.dah lame dah tk sedeyh.
nih sgt sedeyh nih.
PMS skali kot.
tp sedeyh laa.
btol2 sedeyh.
sampai ati.
camane nih. :((

puding roti cair

saye kebosanan yg teramat sgt.mcm tiada yg menarik selain dr berkasihsyg dgn kemal.hanya kemal sahaja yg ade.itu pon harinih kemal kluar ade muntalaq.kite of course la mls bgn pg kan.bgn pon sudah pkl 12.tdo pkl 2 kot smlm lps tgk FRIENDS.saye sungguh rajin harinih kerana bangun, mandi dan menyental shower. kemudian saye on komp dan cek2 ape yg patut2.kemudian turun ke bawah dan cek samada baju di ampaian sudah kering atau belom.sejuk rase baju2,tatahu dh kering ke tak.susah sungguh musim dingin nih, baju tidak panas rapuh spt jemur baju di negara khatulistiwa malaysiaku. kemudian saye mengambil keputusan utk membiarkan sahaja baju itu di situ agar memberi masa lebey utk angin meniup mereka lantas menaikkan kadar penyejatan. kemudian saye merebus ayam utk nasi ayam dan juga membuat puding roti.saye rase puding itu tidak akan btol2 jd kerana saye terlebey susu.ituh laa gdix sgt nk nmpk roti basah.tgk2 lencun!! kemudian butter itu pon mcm tidak elok kerana saye mls nk tunggu ia lembut, saye p masukkan dlm microwave,terlame plak tuh..kan dah cair tuh..pastuh bile pukul tak naik creamy mcm slalu la tuh.cane nih sarah. tp saye teruskan juge.sumenye kalo dh masuk mulut tuh same aje kan. tp kalo susu itu lg kurang mungkin akan lg fatty yg lg sdap tuh kan mcm slalu2. alaa takpe, kemal je pon :p

kemudian saye kembali ke sinih dpn komp melihat2 tanpa arah tujuan.
kemanekah anda? sibukkan anda? bosankah anda?

17 June 2008

mcm tk eloook je.ade ape2 ke.kompius.risau.

muke nuha cam sedey je duk atas kite tuh.
tp nuha sgt comel.sgt2 sgt.

logitech quickcam IM

saye bli webcam baruuu.. yeyeyey!! ntah cane ter beli kat officework tuh. sarah nih, kate dah bankrupt, abis sume bende nk g perlu pon sbnrnye bli.dah ade webcm ngengade rase webcam tuh webcam lame.nk bli baru.barula matching ngan headphone baru kan.kan. gdix.patut bankrupt pon. lg gedix saye janji nk webcam ngan kemal.padahal osmet je pon.haha.kan kemal kan. awak sayang kite kan.

12 June 2008

esok exam namun ku masih begini :p

i just realised how sweet n mushy2 the starting of 'Tercipta Untukku'.. esp the slow version with rossa.if only i can keep repeating only the first part of the song.

menatap indahnya senyuman di wajahmu
membuatku terdiam dan terpaku
mengerti akan hadirnya cinta terindah

today was the last day of this sem's ward round. :(( leaving behing fond memories of very lively environment in gen med teams (ie: richard,greg,chris,peteris,michelle,samad,sarah etc). greg gave us a 'bye2 shakehand''s not like we arent coming back or anything but i did learn a lot from those rotations with gen med. i'm not reallay looking fwd to next sem's rotation. we'll start off the sem with gi surg, which will be quite bored i guess.and i dont know whether i can stand the smell or not. i heard lot of crappy stories about gi ward.esp lower gi.

cbt tute was quite ok.almost everyone got the chance to do something (except for osamah).luckily i only get to do the history.but it wasnt an excellent history-taking because it became messy in my mind when he presented with quite a history.but that's what real patient will present with.u cant always have the same format each time u do it. but it really helped a lot if the lists are at the tip of u tongue. that's what really need to be practised to pin down the patient.

macik lewin passed away yesterday.she's already 100.she went peacefully in her sleep. that's the best for her i guess because she had always moaning in pain from various conditions. Dari Dia kita datang, kepada Dia kita kembali.

what's my next plan? i may need another entry to plan for my holiday! yey! usha martin tuh konpem!!! =))

11 June 2008

saye nampak uban awak

hahaha,thanx to all my groupmates for supporting my gedix adoration ( i googled the meaning : worship of great love) of my cikgu m. then i get to sit next to him. n then i get to see his uban. (mati kalo ade org repot blog nih kat die, which is probably only <0.02% of risk i guess). ok warning, next sentence will b even more gedix. he called me by my name!!! (which is really logical and make sense) , but it's really an achievement la!! hahahahhaha.

hati sebenarnye ade kerisauan lain, namun cube cover ngan kisah martin ini.

10 June 2008

odaiji ni suru kara

last night was great! hot hot gossips~(called home twice, called mama once).double wedding will definitely be a history in our family.really surprised that aisyah(kot) is soo matured agreeing to the plan. cant wait to meet her.ekeke.she's sooo potong almost 10yrs plak tuh!!so not fair!

ward: everything went well kot today except that the 'morning surprise' by the 5th yrs before the ward round. i used my excuse 'kite dh buat cardio', so kite terlepas. greg pon was super duper good teacher. he used every single opportunity to teach us at least something. if only we have him throughout the whole yr, 3rd yr will be a blast la!!

08 June 2008

keje pbl tk siap

Anata no senaka mite mou dekakeru no ka to fuanki

Saya tengok belakang awak adakah sudah nak keluar dan amat bimbang

06 June 2008

saye trase mahu ketuk kpale sdiri.
mengapakah saye tidak mengesave nota itu!!!!
sgt penat tau buat.
adela tuh bende2 tk berkat tuh.

05 June 2008

comel nye anda lari menuju coronary care unit

alamak, masih terbyg2 martin berlari2 lps codeblue tuh.comey nyeeee..ccu reg yg lari lps martin lari tuh pon tk comey cam martin.hahaha. cool gilee ah nampak martin cam macho je lari utk metcall.kemal jahat ckp kite cam L plak :( saye mau ltk gmbr martin pon tk pnah ade gmbr die. tkpe2, akhir taun nanti ade ah alasan nk amik gmbr ngan die kan kan.

03 June 2008

good boy

okeh lupe nk cite something really funny this morning.osamah's sense of humor really put me through the day.(gelak awal2). when i asked him whether L's coming to the tute or not, he said that he already emailed eveybody abt that. but then he started to imagining all the possibilities that L couldnt read that email. his 'conglomerate' with chris cant stop me from laughing (plus the fact that m***** had just passed by us).

"oh my ex ate my modem" --> one of osamah's idea.
we heard L's story of how his ex slapped him and turn his ear deaf hundreds of times already!!

kene blanje osamah eksrem esok.time kasih osamah.good boy!

hadapi dgn senyuman

i need to write few more entries so that i wont see shahid kapoor's face anymore everytime i'm on this blog. he gave me a real skipped beats.

i need to give adik a call before she goes back to mrsm.but sooo cold to the phone downstairs. the phone in my room isnt really working (dont know why). mum is going to China the day after tomorrow, so i need to give her a call as well.

~hadapi dgn senyuman~

awak, bgn la awak.. tk elok wak tido time2 camnih :p

respect and love

alhamdulillah dah siap mcr for this sem. i guess it'll be a new start to get seriously on the track back. i'm planning to meet andrea tomorrow.not sure whether she can be any help with my problem or not but at least i'm respecting myself and deal with the problem professionally. it's not really a big prob though, but still, as michelle put it earlier this yr, 'ppl who respect themselves will acknowledge their probs and seek help'.so here i am, being respectful and honest ( i guess).

few more days (10days to be exact)..then we will off for our winter break!hmmm... should i be excited?i probably should, but i'm not going to because i always found that things will go waaaay greater if i have less i'll stay 'cool' before the break really comes (really??). it's already on its way....

saw m****** (sbb tulis omputih, tak pepsl kantoi kalo btol2 tulis name die) a few times today. hoep it's not that obvious that i go crazy everytime i saw him. cant wait for tomorrow 5pm. hukhukhuk. dupdapdupdap. (hek eleh, nk dupdapdupdap, keje ann pon tk siap lg la sarah oi).

okides.cont my anal and perianal disorders.

01 June 2008

cinta baru

hazaron mein ek.aduihlaa.. jatuh cinta lg.nk wat camane nih.shahid kapoor.knape tk pnah prasan die pon sblum nih?parah.parah.jatuh cinta lg nih.apaan sih!!gimana ya dong!