
26 May 2007


i guess i could use this blog wiser than i ever did( read as: other than bragging around about toknyang). i should try rephrase what i understood about what i just learned. isnt that a good idea?

okey.our bladder is lined with 2 layers. the outer is the detrusor muscle which is a smooth muscle. n the inner is epithelial layer. detrusor muscle is supplied by sensory mechanoreceptors that responds to stretch or tension. the motor supply is from parasympathetic motoneurones s2-s4. there's part where the detrusor muscle becomes internal opens when the muscle contracts. so when the bladder is full, the internal sphincter contracts n the urine flow out from the bladder. but at there's one more sphincter. external sphincter. which is striated muscle. it's always in a contraction state. nerve supply is pudendal nerve from s3 and s4. so for the urine to pass through, the neurone activities need to be inhibited so that external sphincter relaxes and opens the passage for urine. for us to be able to control micturition voluntarily, we need input from cortical micturition centre to inhibit the activity of pontine micturition centre.
incontinence can be caused by trauma/lesion to the frontal lobe.
there's a lot more in incontinence but i didnt bother to remember all. maybe i will one day.

so that's what i understood with micturition. i didnt refer to the notes while pouring out the stuff, so i need to recheck them. then only we could know whether we've grasp the topic or not. that's why we need to take the

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