
23 July 2007

hahaha, as usual, i'll only be writing here when things r going tough..i am SUDDENLY busy. i dont think i can have any gokusen tonight. all of a sudden spc n hpkm came. my suppose-to-be-free-tuesday will be packed. what about chairing the pcl, next week's anatomy, this thursday's clinical case to be constructed... n now i really need to practise the craig's stuff..mindfullness, prioritising n etc... this is the time i need to transform (a big word now) into a real nerd med student.. amiiin.. 1 2 3, transfooorm~~

08 July 2007


start ayat 63, menceritakan ttg sifat2 hambaNya yg mendapat kemuliaan..
...yg berjln di bumi dgn rendah hati dan mengucapkan kata2 baik bile org jahil menyapa mereka
...yg melalui mlm hari dgn bersujud dan berdiri untuk Tuhan mereka
...yg berkata 'Ya Tuhan kami, jauhkan azab Jahannam dr kami, sesungguhnya azabnya itu adalah kebinasaan yg kekal
...yg apabila membelanjakan harta tidak berlebih2an dan tidak pula kikir, dan perbelanjaan itu ditengah2 antara yg demikian
...org2 yg apabila diberi peringatan dgn ayat2 Allah, mereka tidaklah menghadapinya sbg org2 yg tuli dan buta
.. yg berkata 'Ya Tuhan kami, anugerahkanlah kepada kami isteri2 kami dan keturunan kami sbg penyenang hati dan jadikanlah kami imam bg org2 bertaqwa'

mereka itulah org yg dibalasi dgn martabat yg tinggi kerana kesabaran mereka dan mereka disambut dgn ucapan penghormatan dan ucapan selamat didalamnya.

p/s: not all points r included.

11 June 2007

Menjemput Bidadari
Munsyid : Epicentrum

Bila yakin tlah tiba,
Teguh didalam jiwa
Kesabaran menjadi bunga

Sementara waktu berlalu
Penantian tak berarti sia sia
Saat perjalanan adalah pencarian diri
Laksana Zulaikha jalani hari
Sabar menanti Yusuf sang tambatan hati
Dipenantian mencari diri
Memohonkan ampunan dipertemukan
Segera kan kujemput engkau bidadari
Bila tiba waktu kutemukan aku
Ya Ilahi Robbi keras ku mencari diri sepenuh hati
Teguhkanlahku dilangkah ini
Dipencarian hakikat diri
Dan izinkan kujemput bidadari
Tuk bersama menuju Mu mengisi hari...
Kini yakin tlah tiba
Teguh didalam jiwa
Kesabaran adalah permata
Dan waktu terus berlalu
Penantian tak berarti sia sia
Saat perjalanan adalah pencarian diri
Laksana Adam dan Hawa
Turun kebumi terpisah jarak waktu
Dipenantian mencari diri
Memohonkan ampunan dipertemukan
Bidadari tlah menyentuh hati
Teguhkan nurani
Bidadari tlah menyapa jiwa
Memberikan makna...

05 June 2007

pat & kumiko

pat saaaaangaaat la baik dan buat saye appreciate die. die bg saye japanese calendar.besar plak tuh. bukan calendar tuh yg jd ukuran, tp his thought tuh. untuuungnye kumiko jd gf die. mungkin saye bole juge bli sth utk die bile balik mesia.
And when we meet
Which I'm sure we will
All that was there
Will be there still
I'll let it pass
And hold my tongue
And you will think
That I've moved on....

27 May 2007


last nite, essendon won over richmond by 8 was at the MCG. but so far essendon won 5 games and lost 4.

that was sooo not me to report on sports. but it is ssooo me to report on footy ie: essendon. everybody knows why ^_^

hco3 reabsorption

okey, i've been reading the acid base regulation of kidney for a few times. i got it when i was readng it, but i cant really summarise them in my mind when i tried to. they just didnt flow well.
so i tot i'll try to write down what i knew about them.

here is i think one of the most important fact about hco3 reabsorption.
hco3 is impermeable at the membrane, so they cant cross the membrane by themselves.
sooo, they coombine with H+ to become h2co3 which then will dissociate to become water and co2.
co2 is the one who can cross the membrane into the tubular cells.
in the cells, co2 will combine with water.catalysed by carbonic anhydrase and become h2co3.
h2co3 will dissociate into H+ and hco3.
then only hco3 can get into the interstitial and then blood.
hco3 transport into the interstitial is coupled with cl-(exchange) and na+(cotransport).

so it's like for every h+ secreted into the tubule, one hco3 will appear in the cells.
for the h+ secretions, they r a bit different in the proximal tubule and distal tubules.

in proximal tubules, h+ is secreted by secondary active transport. coupled with na+ reabsorption. na+ moves down concentration gradient. so the energy released is used to take h+ out of the cells into the tubule.
but start from late distal tubules, h+ is secreted by primary active transport. in a specialised cells - intercalated cells. h+ is transported by hydrogen ATPase. that means the energy is from the breakdown of ATP.

okey, that's only the reabsorption part. that's the most handle-able ones.

p/s : yeeey..i've become a nerd as i wished for,bcos who else will post this stuff into their blog if for they arent nerdy2 ??

26 May 2007


i guess i could use this blog wiser than i ever did( read as: other than bragging around about toknyang). i should try rephrase what i understood about what i just learned. isnt that a good idea?

okey.our bladder is lined with 2 layers. the outer is the detrusor muscle which is a smooth muscle. n the inner is epithelial layer. detrusor muscle is supplied by sensory mechanoreceptors that responds to stretch or tension. the motor supply is from parasympathetic motoneurones s2-s4. there's part where the detrusor muscle becomes internal opens when the muscle contracts. so when the bladder is full, the internal sphincter contracts n the urine flow out from the bladder. but at there's one more sphincter. external sphincter. which is striated muscle. it's always in a contraction state. nerve supply is pudendal nerve from s3 and s4. so for the urine to pass through, the neurone activities need to be inhibited so that external sphincter relaxes and opens the passage for urine. for us to be able to control micturition voluntarily, we need input from cortical micturition centre to inhibit the activity of pontine micturition centre.
incontinence can be caused by trauma/lesion to the frontal lobe.
there's a lot more in incontinence but i didnt bother to remember all. maybe i will one day.

so that's what i understood with micturition. i didnt refer to the notes while pouring out the stuff, so i need to recheck them. then only we could know whether we've grasp the topic or not. that's why we need to take the

24 May 2007


i moved on.i was in such a rage yesterday knowing that the xm is going to b postponed until after winter hol. that's a bad bad bad news.i've already planned my winter.(if lazying around is considered as a plan).i dont care's all ruined.i moved on with a +ve mode.maybe it's time for me to really prepare for the xm. i'll still make my plan work, but maybe with a little bit of guilty deep inside. whatever it is,it's medicine.b prepared for more n more disastrous holiday.

i have a cold n congested nose.~

but i'm ssoooooo over the moon again.met his's a great mood booster.

21 May 2007

tasks for the xm

  • buku kecik anat tuh
  • grey's head & neck
  • talley urinary system
  • mnemonics
  • guyton's renal

19 May 2007


xm is in less than 1mth.13thjune.but havent really grasp urinary control of acid base yet.need to struggle more.less dramas.huhuhu.

17 May 2007

awak comella

awak..comella awak lari dlm hujan td. was raining quite heavily(in oz context), so i took a bus home from uni.before the bus moved from the bus loop, eh silap, kene ckp mlayu la.. takut kantoi..hahaha ..nampak toknyang berlari2 anak tgh hujan across the loop.btol2 blakng die adalah kwn cantik die... toknyang pakai baju hijau belang2 yg die slalu pakai tuh.. kwn cantik die kat blakang baju biru mude.. comel sgt diorg lari.dahla toknyang g skolah tak bwk beg ke buku ke ape2 pon...

14 May 2007

my pretty boy

huhuhu..i just realised the lyrics..yep. i'm not that serious about my pretty boy.n he's not even mine. but m2m make it sounds sooo sweeet~

Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me you love me too (tell me you love me too)
Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do

09 May 2007

one of the best day

i could say today is the one of the most fantastic day in the context of a medical student. started early. went to dandee hosp. was quite a good train ride bcoz we passed a few stations that're new to me. Megan was a great buddy. Showed us some interesting pathological signs that we've just heard about but never had the chance to really get the experience. Lung Crackles. Pleural Effusion. Atrial Fibrillation. Irregular Pulse. Fluid in the lung. Peripheral Oedema. Bronchial breath sound. 'sth' contracture. asbestosis. yeaaah, had a really grreat visit~ then get back to uni. the bus ride was even waaaay fantastic! i'll take one day soon just to take a bus to dandee, have a meal, shop in the market then get back on the bus. Had venapuncture.which was a veeery anxious one. but had quite a great time coz could find the vein n draw blood from it. than had a tachycardiaing chat with pat about japan~he was sooo sweeet to know soo much about her gf's country. wish them to be happy ever after ^_^

04 April 2007

sarah, u've been avoiding me.. toknyang, i'm not!

mark this date,
from menzies to mannix.
a walk that'll never b forgotten~

i'm over the mooooooon~
xtremely eliated

02 April 2007

i like toknyang's jeans!!
effah called me a stalker :p
no,i'm not.
i'm just an observer.

this is just a test

You're single because you don't want to get hurt

Ever heard the expression, "Once bitten, twice shy?" You can probably relate to this, can't you? Your last relationship may have left you a little raw in emotions, and the memories are likely still fresh in your mind. Fresher than you can sometimes believe. With a hurt like that, you're probably not so eager to enter the drama again — and we can't say that we blame you. You may be so afraid of getting hurt that you take things to heart big-time when you're involved with someone — after all, you've been hurt before, why can't it happen again? You also may be guilty of comparing potential mates to your ex who may still constantly loom large in your mind.But maybe, just maybe, it's time to check your baggage at the door and let a new person into your life with a clean slate. You have a lot to offer someone, but you can't do it when you have one foot firmly planted in the past.

31 March 2007

i feel like crying thinking of aye sakit perut. the most i can do is text her. why am i being this emotional? i guess bcoz i cant stand my sister in pain. esp when i'm this far far away. n she's only with baba at home. of coz baba wont know what to do. if i was there, at least i can gosok2 aye.
wuaaaaa..seriously!pls dont cry sarah. u cant afford to be homesick now! my God, i miss her so much!

m i??

forgot already la what to write. today is not a very productive day although i did kickboxing in the morning. but then i slept from 10.30am-12.00pm..huhuhu.time wasted! i took the whole day (until now) to finish up the anato! n yet i havent even started the facial region,which is nxt week's topic. but i'm determined to stay up till i finished my facial nerve slides. chaiyo2!

went to clayton, yey, i spent only on-the-list stuff!!yeyey!!

hpkm...pls dont b my irritant! i havent really searched the journal for it.. n i also need my easter break from midsem xm.. so i need to finish it up in a few days =(( can i???? eh nope, 'can we??' is more accurate.

currently listening : insan bernama kekasih by unic.. muahahaha =)) so funny!

20 March 2007

i promised myself to write on the summary of my summer holidays, but i kept procrastinating..n now, it's already the 4th week of the second yr. 2nd yr is fun! yeaah, that's to b positive, but i need not to lie here(like what i always did to the outsiders).. take today as an eg, i white-lied a couple of times. of course u have to say u r fine n u r enjoying ur course when u r under the school program... get what i mean? but honestly, i enjoy CPP. but PCL and anat had been a very dreadful things to look fwd to. scary i should say. last yr's was a lot more stress-less for pcl and anat.

good points about CPP today:
  • we got to see the meals on wheels kitchen.interesting!
  • halcyon day centre!!! had a good time.amazed with few little2 things. eg : how they measure the temp of every food, how the birds r really observed by ppl, how community care affect ppl.
  • being briefed on our project - dont have to think much bout it as everything is being outlined.
  • we've got our id card - swapping the card is fun (a bit childish though!) . they got my name wrong- sarah binti dahlOn..n kemal's - nurakmal binti sOm sudin. what a laugh!!
  • went to the stationeries cupboard - interesting fact: the ballpen is made in malaysia!
  • didnt realise it's already 4.30 --> that's quite important
  • bought an eyeliner at theglen
  • borrowed 4 story books from the public library

07 February 2007

"The Rose"

Some say love, it is a river

that drowns the tender reed.

Some say love, it is a razor

that leaves your soul to bleed.

Some say love, it is a hunger,

an endless aching need.

I say love, it is a flower,

and you its only seed.

It's the heart afraid of breaking

that never learns to dance.

It's the dream afraid of waking

that never takes the chance.

It's the one who won't be taken,

who cannot seem to give,

and the soul afraid of dyin'

that never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely

and the road has been to long,

and you think that love is only

for the lucky and the strong,

just remember in the winter

far beneath the bitter snows

lies the seed that with the sun's love

in the spring becomes the rose.

appalling event

arinih p bank utk bukak acc baru dlm maybank.the issue is.. why cant the ppl be more postive n not bersangka buruk kat org n perli2 without asking? i AM in a good mood now, but i tot i wanna write about it here. citenye camnih... i am not really familliar with the bank here(bkn nk blagak biase ngan bank kat oz, tp i feel waaay comfortable to go to any bank in oz even for the 1st time), so i just get into the queue and wait.before that my dad got me forms for 'bukak acc'. i'm not sure whether the form is the right one or not so i just wait til i get to the teller. at the counter the teller told me that he needed a copy of my driving licence n ic. so my dad went for the xerox stuff and i take a corner to fill in the forms.then, i get back into the queue,npody behind me...1 lady in front of i waited..then the teller asked me to sit first,maybe because he needed a while to finish up with the lady. after a while, there's a few ppl get into the line.but i still sit because i wanna wait for the teller to call me. then the teller call me after the lady is done and i went to the counter. but suddenly i heard a voice behind me.. 'ngelat sungguh.. tak beratur..'.. it was soooo ******.... then i pusing and say 'saye dah dtg awal td..'..tuh je yg mampu aku ckp.. then i just ignore him bcause of course i dont need to explain further to him if that would make a scene. in my heart at that time, i was so appalled with the guy's remark in that kind of situation. die igt aku suke ke potong org ke ape ke. he could have been more polite by taking it easy..not perli2..ckp elok2 ke..then i can explain. then to make it worse, i heard he told his friend sth like the teller mengorat2 aku when the teller had just started a conversation about the fact that my ic is 03 but the add is in trg n i live in mzms. hmmm.. what a jerk!! its' not that i wanna take this seriously, but imagine my feeling at that time. i think that's the one bad memory about 2006 summer,other than that, everything went well.

19 January 2007

Remembering So Much
by Hope

On lingering memories
Once more I play
I’m missing you more
Than yesterday

So many paths that led
To memory lane
My mind travels back
I am there again

Feelings and affections
I had plenty to view
In letters and pictures
Archives of you

Remembering so much
Its all held in here
As I fondly reminisced
From yesteryear

Of things said and done
Love I can still find
Revealed in memories
Always on my mind

18 January 2007

i've been working hard these few days.. but i didnt put any pressure, i take my own time finishing everything.. there are still a lot to do upstairs.. my main motivation is to get lost of my spare tyres ^___^ the sides r trying to be a real anak-dara-dok-rumah. i really wanna do well. i'm feeling good about it. before this i've been living in guilt. living unrealistically. just wanna have fun but in the end there's not fun at all. sooo, now is the real fun!!! i woke up n did some vacuuming.. then cont with the lipat-baju-yg-bertimbun-tuh.. then do the cookings... then rewards myself with bawang-putih-bawang-merah.. then reward some more with theOC.. then cont vacuum other rooms.. then do some reading.. i promised myself that i'm gonna finish up all the Reader'sDigest...reading it is some kind of destressor.. i cant really put what i feel into words.. i'm soo teruja ngan my new spirit!!! go go chaiyo! now is the reward time.. the OC.. the bigger reward is waiting ie : final episode of Goong~~ . i'm saving it for the last.

17 January 2007

i just luuurve this pic
shin goon is not s handsome s others that i like
but i like his way

can a guy over a girl like u?
-lindsay to mourissa-
this is why i didnt give out my blog to others.
it's full of worldly quotes picked all over the places.
ppl will take it as jiwang.
but i dot dot.......

why & why

Q : why does nyang heart tok nyang soo very2 much?
A : bcoz tok nyang is very the handsome, very the cool, very the gentle, very the sweet, very the understanding, very the thoughtful, very the ultra-cute ^_^ . all in all he's the most handsomest creature nyang had ever seen. let alone all the cute events happened. ie: how thoughtful of toknyang to stop at the door and not stomp right away to the kitchen as jamil did. how cute was that when he looked at those shoes at the door. n also how cute was him when he lost words to talk after telling me about his fren's-21st-in-Aubury. and one more thing that i realised is he resembles short-haired-Rangga. n Rangga is someone i've always like. this obsession is a mere admiration towards fellow homo-sapien who has superior traits. i realised that being over-obsessed with another creatures besides Allah is totally unaccpetable.

get excited guys!

it's not that i am really excited for this coming new yr, but lately i've been thinking a lot about my new house, my new furnitures, n all the new things ahead.. i need to be a new hardworking med student who dont give a damn on what's happening far far away in korea or japan. oh ok, i'll get a new entry for the whole story of my new yr's resolution ^_^ n here is the something i copied from be excited guys!!!

In each semester students are enrolled in one integrated unit within which is embedded material from each of the following 4 themes:
THEME I: Personal and Professional Development;
THEME II: Population, Society, Health and Illness: Health, Knowledge and Society;
THEME III: Foundations of Medicine;
THEME IV: Clinical Skills. (For more information refer to the website)
Unit objectives:
Theme I:
1. develop a perspective on issues of social equity and justice, particularly as they relate to the practice of medicine;
2. develop knowledge of the welfare system and its relevance to medicine;
3. appreciate the operational philosophy and service delivery components of key agencies working in the areas of social action, social justice and advocacy;
4. understand the concept of the 'whole person' and in particular, the social and economic context of health and illness;
5. develop an understanding of social and public policy and how it impacts on people's lives; 6. understand that from their position of responsibility within the community, they have knowledge and skills that can contribute to the well-being of those people who are disadvantaged;
Theme II:
7. articulate the relationship between data, information, evidence, knowledge and informed care; 8. demonstrate in applied situations the following: - enhanced information technology skills (searching and medical database identification skills, including computer presentation skills) - application of critical skills to clinical and research questions - application of a range of knowledge based systems in clinical practice (bibliographic software, decision support systems); 9. appreciate the different perspectives in health promotion through the application of the 'sociological imagination';
10. define, compare and contrast medical, behavioural and socio-environmental approaches to health promotion;
11. understand the application of a range of health promotion theories of change, ranging through individual to social;
12. understand and participate in the basic health promotion process of program development, planning, implementation and evaluation;
13. systematically apply critical appraisal and knowledge management skills to evaluation of health promotion intervention strategies;
14. identify appropriate strategies for health promotion interventions, including targeting high risk and population-based strategies;
Theme III:
15. describe the structure and function of the healthy cardiovascular, respiratory and renal systems and the formation and function of blood;
16. appreciate the mechanisms and effects of selected pathologies affecting these systems;
17. enumerate and understand the mechanisms of action of therapeutic agents commonly prescribed to combat disorders of these systems;
18. give an account of the interactions of these systems in the maintenance of homeostasis, drawing upon knowledge acquired in preceding semesters;
Theme IV:
19. understand the framework for clinical reasoning in the cardiovascular, respiratory, haematopoietic and renal systems;
20. demonstrate focused history taking in the cardiovascular, respiratory, haematopoietic and renal systems;
21. perform and understand the relevance of an examination of the patient's cardiovascular, respiratory, haematopoietic and renal system;
22. work cooperatively with peers to achieve specified tasks;
23. gain experience with patient interviews and examination on hospital wards;
24. gain an appreciation of the range and types of disorders in the cardiovascular, respiratory, haematopoietic and renal systems encountered in general practice;
25. understand the complementary and diverse aspects of clinical disorders in the cardiovascular, respiratory, haematopoietic and renal systems encountered in general practice and in hospitals; Selectives - As a result of the chosen Selective, the student will develop existing and/or acquire new, interests and skills that lie outside the traditional ambit of 'medical education' Rural Placement:
26. describe and discuss how rural contexts impact on the assessment of health conditions;
27. recognize the importance of context and clinical reasoning in relation to focused history taking;
28. describe and discuss how a rural context impacts on the clinical and non-clinical management of patients.

09 January 2007

Goong's fever

i dont ask to be a princess.. who lives on ppl's taxes for her own comfort. i dont as to be a queen..who has everything brought to her foot. i dont as to be the first lady.. who has millions to travel.. i dont ask to be them who has money to be wasted.. who has money to buy the world.. i just ask to be a GIRL who could live her life watching korean or japanese dramas around the clock.. the girl who dont need to think about school, the girl who dont need to think about lunch to be prepared, the girl who dont need to think about the washings in the machine, the girl who dont need to think about floor to be swept.. i just ask to be a girl who could stay reading love stories all the time as she please.the girl who is happy all the time ^_^ can i be her?? i suddenly thought of this while watching Goong.. how bored it is to be the Queen, being in self-control all the time, the crown princess, all activities are scheduled out for her.. i'm not even jealous of them although the have millions of won to be spent!

04 January 2007

fall n catch

"..she cant fall for u if u r not there to catch her..."
it was said by alex/whatever her name is to zach.i like zach but i knew summer n seth will finally end up together. if only zach replaces ryan!! i kept criticising the OC, i have no choice but to keep watching it bcoz i like scandals..hahahaha.. ok here i'll repeat, i despise mourisa sooo much! eeuww~haha, that's summer's line.