30 September 2017
09 September 2017
Tabung $1378 Dalam Setahun
this is a fun way to save money
we've decided on how to spend the money next year ^_^
ape perasaannya bila reward diri dengan menabung sikit-sikit?
macam puas hati gila kot kalau dapat merasa nikmat guna duit tabungan..
kalau belanja jumlah yang sama guna duit biasa sekaligus, tak rasa appreciate sgt kan..
rasa, 'alaaa seribu jee' huhu..
it is sooo easy, and i achievable..
start with RM1 in Week 1.
then RM 2 in Week 2, and so on..
eventually after Week 52, with the maximum of RM52 per week, you will have RM1378 in the jar!!!
and 1 jar for me, 1 jar for Paih..
we call it our Istanbul jar..
yes we know that RM1378 won't be enough for the whole trip to Istanbul, but at least something.
07 September 2017
04 September 2017
It's September!!!
i'm launching this new project of mine.
seriously, no pants of mine can comfortably fit me anymore
**crying a bucket**
it's not that i have any drastic change in my diet,
but there's sudden inactivity since I got this desk job (which i really love now).
i've gained almost 7kg in 5 months.
(don't you think i have to check my thyroid?)
I am not dreaming for a 10kg loss or anything, but jusssst to get back into my pants
so here we are, already the 4th day into September
but only Day 1 on my project
(we lost the first 3 days due to raya and balik kampung)
-busy day just came back from kampung
-laundry day
-catching up with family in Klang Valley day
-packing day (going for a course for the next 3 days)
-only hit the treadmill for 32 mins - it was so boring without the drama on tv (internet was soooo slow)
-weight : 69kg
-havent started the meal plan/healthy eating yet - no time to do groceries yet.
-even the next 3 days will be full - course day and night
13 July 2017
03 July 2017
02 July 2017
24 June 2017
Ramadhan yang pergi..
Ramadhan berakhir.
Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli haal.
banyak kami belajar Ramadhan ini.
banyak kami explore.
tapi tak habis khatam kali ini :(
sikiiittt je lagi.
tapi hari terakhir ni lalai pulak.
sebab Paih tak kerja.
so keluar jalan-jalan.
bukan salah Paih pun.
InsyaAllah cuba lagi.
23 June 2017
22 June 2017
Mini Happy & Heavenly!
soooo cute!!
i think this size is exclusively packed for convenience store sale.
tak pernah jumpa lagi di Watson's.
bila ia beratur sejajar dengan shampoo-shampoo lain dan bodywash-bodywash lain, sudah tentu la Good Virtues menjadi pilihan saya.
Raya Isteri Itu Di Sisi Suami
macam tajuk cerekarama uols!
Paih kerja malam on the 1 Syawal.
so saya temankan la dia di sini bermula 26 Ramadhan.
Rabu Khamis Jumaat Sabtu Ahad
di bilik ini di hotel ini
nasib baik bawak Yes ni.
wifi hotel macam takle connect.
mati kebosanan la wehh kalau takde Yes ni.
katanya memang pilih khas hotel ni sebab within walking distance to Bazar and Masjid Negeri.
okeh petang ni saya sekodeng orang picnic bukak puasa di padang tu ye.
21 June 2017
Resepi Siakap Stim Simple Periuk Ajaib
ini adalah meal treachery yang saya masak untuk Ramadhan kali ini
kerana start Rabu dah nak berkampung di kuantan, dalam bilik hotel tak masak dah.
Paih hantar gambar steamed siakap masa saya tengah bekerja.
so kenela tunaikan hasrat perutnya.
sangat mudah. tapi sangat sedap.
of course sedap mengikut citarasa masing-masing la.
Ikan siakap
Bawang putih - 1 labu (saya jenis suka garlic banyak)
Halia - 2 inci
Tomato masak - 2-3 bijik
Serai - 3-4 batang
Cili padi - 4-5 bijik
Cili hidup - 2 batang
limau kasturi - atas selera
tumbuk bawang putih dan halia.
(saya tak kisah tergigit so saya tumbuk, kalau jenis suke hiris silakan la, ade yg suke ketuk-ketuk je.. saya mmg suka tumbuk sbb air jd keruh sikit dan still bole makan bawang putih and halia tu)
lumurkan bawang putih, halia dan garam tadi pada ikan.
perap seberapa lama yang anda suka.
(saya kejar masa so takde lama pon, sambil-sambil prepare bahan lain je perap)
tomato - di potong kecil
serai - diketuk
cili hidup - dihiris
cili padi - ditumbuk kasar sikit-sikit (atas selera ye)
letak ikan atas pemanggang ajaib
tambah air sampai 3/4 paras pemanggang
campak-campak SEMUA bahan
saya bagi air mendidih-didih dulu baru tutup penutup
saya tutup dalam 5 minit je utk bg masak dalam
lepastu saya balikkan ikan sbb nak bagi rata
last sekali perah limau kasturi
sebab saya suka masam tomato, saya letak banyak tomato so limau sikit je
then garam gula secukup rasa
makan dengan nasi panas dan telur dadar
aaaarrrghhh terliur balik membayangkannya.
16 June 2017
Ramadhan Khatam Project
it's already 22nd of Ramadhan.
takut tak sempat khatam.
they are days when i didn't reach 1 juzuk per day.
harini baru juzuk 15
takkan boleh tiba-tiba 7 juzuk harini untuk catchup
time is running out. baru separuh ni.camane?
after subuh today, i came up with this plan.
i need to aim 2 juzuk per day now.
possible ke?
tapi i basi-basi kan kalau ada hari yang extra time untuk baca more than 2 juzuk
so ada juzuk yang span over 2 days
Ya Allah, rahmatilah kami dengan Al-Quran..
11 June 2017
Our Favourite Wall @KLIA
This little girl of mine is leaving for Umrah,
Lucky girl she is!!
I can't remember when was the last time we came here, but definitely not more than a couple of months.. and now they have this wall at the AnjungTinjau.
We both had a thing for indoor greeneries,
so of course we need to snap a photo with this background!
Semaian benih Daun Sup..
i can't keep track of how many days since i/ve started seeding..
it was super slow.
and this is the only pot that grows.
another 2 pots are not showing any signs of life.
but i won't give up.
the seeds are not dead.
it will only lie dormant.
and it reminds me of The Rose lyrics..
there's a part saying..
Just remember..in the winter..
Far beneath the bitter snow..
Lies the seed, that with the sun's love,
In the spring becomes the rose..
so i will keep on waiting
Resepi Ikan Goreng Balado dan Lala Masak Merah
Abang and family are coming over..
Mummy and Daddy pon are here..
Penat fikir nak masak ape..
Masuk supermarket nampak ikan.
terbayang nak ikan goreng kunyit bodo je.
tapi kering pulak.
tak semua orang suke.
so paling simple, masak balado aje la.
sangat senang.
Ikan mengikut citarasa - goreng garing dengan garam kunyit
Bawang merah - banyak-banyak - 10 bijik
Bawang putih sikit - 2-3 bijik
Cili merah - 7-8 batang
(ade yang saya tengok balado warna hijau, gune cili hijau la kot)
kalau campur cili maybe tak cantik sbb warna keorenan je kot nanti
asam jawa
Tumbuk bawang merah, bawang putih dan cili merah (saya pakai mini food processor je)
kalau pakai blender hasil tak best dan tak sama, jd macam masak sambal biasa je nanti
saya pernah try pakai dry blender dulu-dulu.. tapi mcm susah sikit nak dapat tekstur yang best.
tumis bahan tadi dalam minyak banyak
sampai garing tapi jangan sampai hangit
pastu letak air asam jawa
saya pakai tomato potong dadu haritu so tak letak asam jawa
tambah garam gula secukup rasa
of course saya sebagai orang Kelantan sejati, suka kalu balado ni ada rase manis sikit.. tp tak manis sangat sampai mcm buat sira pulak..
Bawang merah - 5 biji
Bawang besar - 1 biji
Bawang putih - 3-4 biji
(semua proportion bawang tu atas pilihan masing-masing sebenarnya)
Cili kering - blend
halia sikit
air asam jawa
serai (kalau suka)
Blend bawang-bawang dan halia
tumis bawang sampai garing
masukkan cili kering yang diblend
sampai garing
masukkan air asam jawa
kalau suka serai td, saya masukkan masa tumis bawang
tambah air sikit
bile air kering sikit sampai kuah pekat, masukkan lala
air lala akan turun
lala masak sekejap je, jangan lama nanti kecut
pilih kepekatan kuah ikut citarasa sendiri
tambah garam gula secukup rasa
resepi semua nampak mcm sama je kan bahan-bahan dan cara
tapi saya rase the critical and differentiating points adalah semasa menumis tu
perlu cukup garing tapi tak boleh hangit
so kene cari balance tu, kalau dah nak hangit tp tak cukup garing, tambah air sikit- sikit
(gambar tak instagram-able langsung :p )
cukupla untuk kenangan dan rujukan diri sendiri
06 June 2017
Queen B
my phone is filled with taraweh selfies :p
tapi tak pernah upload dalam instagram or facebook okeh
my selfies are not for 'tengokla aku beribadah ni'
it's more for our own sake
'we spent time together, beribadah together'
'we are having a great time tonight'
'i like this masjid, i need to commemorate this somewhere'
it's quite a thin line there
between being riak and wanting to snap everything
But only Allah knows what's in our hearts.
this is Queen B with her Typo B tumbler
keeping her hydrated and glowy lols!
31 May 2017
Nasi Dagang Terengganu for iftar is not a bad idea after all..
saya masih amatur dalam membuat Nasi Dagang
setiap kali buat pon lain-lain hasilnya
resepi Nasi nya saya dah pernah share tahun lepas
nasib baik tulis kat entry tu, sebab kalau tak memang setiap kali buat kene call Mummy
bulan-bulan puasa ni Mummy sibuk
tapi kacau jugak haritu sebab nak tanye-tanye resepi gulainya pulak
saya banyak dengar-dengar orang guna rempah nasi dagang yg dh siap jual
yg famous dengarnya Cap Ros
tapi tak pernah la try lagi setakat ni
so here it goes..
Bahan-bahan :
Jintan Manis
Jintan Putih
Cili kering
Bawang merah
bawang putih
Kunyit hidup
Cili Padi
Belimbing buluh (kalau ada)
and of course Ikan Aye/ Tongkol/Tuna
Asam keping
Firstly saya basuh rempah tadi (ketumbar 2 bahagian, jintan manis 1 bahagian, jintan putih 1 bahagian)
dan jemur rempah tadi sampai kering
pada masa yang sama, rebus ikan bersama asam keping dan garam
Ikan tu katanya potong dua je untuk original Terengganu
sebab orang Terengganu makan hidang seketul besar tu dalam pinggan pastu cubit makan ramai-ramai
rebus tu tinggal air separuh
simpan air tu
tumis cili kering yang sudah diblend sampai garing
blend bawang merah + bawang putih + lengkuas + kunyit hidup + sedikit halia
lepas tumisan cili kering tadi garing, tambah air dan masukkan bahan blend tadi
tambah jugak rempah yang diblend kering
and masukkan air rebus ikan yang berbaki
tambah jugak rempah yang diblend kering
and masukkan air rebus ikan yang berbaki
masak la sampai rasa bawang tu masak ke warna cantik ke camtula
saya pun main agak je
lepas tu masukkan ikan
lepas tu santan dan cili api
ok dah siap!!
cili api tu kene terapung-terapung tau
saya takde belimbing, kalau ade belimbing, letak sama dengan cili td biar terapung
Gulai Nasi Dagang Terengganu yang saya selalu tengok adalah merah-merah sikit
(as compared to Nasi Dagang Kelantan yang kuah ke-oren-an sikit)
28 May 2017
IKEA FAMILY Point Redemption!!
sedikit sedikit lama lama jadi bukit
miscellaneous items beli dekat IKEA akhirnya totalled up to almost 10k points!
tapi sebenarnya sebab haritu CNY dapat triple points..
duk fikir-fikir nak beli ape ye voucher RM100 ni?
22 May 2017
Day 1 (21/5/2017)
3 jenis biji benih saya beli:
Coriandrum sativum - Daun Ketumbar
Apium graveolens - Daun Sup
Allium tuberosum - Daun Kucai
sesungguhnya saya amatlah amatur dalam seni tanaman
tangan panas katanya
jadi nak semai benih ni pun sangat berdebar
takut tak bercambah
memang confirm takde bakat pertanian la kalau semai ni pun tak menjadi :p
tapi impian saya adalah untuk mempunyai Herbs Garden yang cute di dapur.
.everyone can dream.
so saya cuba banyak mencari bahan bacaan untuk tips menanam 3 jenis daun ni
banyak nasihat-nasihat berbeza
few tips yang agar consistent dalam beberapa penulisan :
- jangan direct sunlight pun semasa semai ni.
-tanah sentiasa lembab. spray tanah 2 kali sehari. spray lg bagus katanya supaya tak kacau tanak and tak terlalu basah.
- daun sup ada yang kata tabur benih superficially je
- daun ketumbar ada yang kata benih kene around 1 inch ke dalam tanah
i will update their growth diary every now and then
Please pray for my Greens.
21 May 2017
Pocket Treasures..
did some cleaning up in the store room,
and found this in the pocket of my hiking backpack
felt like crying..
it was our Cotswold Day Trip..
we had the time of our life that year.
.can't be replaced.
.i put the receipt in one of my novel.
and maybe one day i'll come across it again
.and cry again.
15 May 2017
26 April 2017
25 April 2017
My Payday Shopping Cart
you know, i'm easily amused with trivial things
i find myself smiling ear to ear when i put the detergent into the shopping cart
i can spend hours household cleaning aisles
i spent almost half an hour just to choose 'the best' laundry detergent
not that i have a pathological OCD personality that requires a tough cleaning job,
but i just enjoyed it
eh, i was actually going to write about these plates
i am really really pleased with my purchase today
self-reward on my pay day
(no, i can't afford to reward myself with luxurious stuffs)
but these gentle-on-pocket purchase is all that i need
i've always had my eyes on these dinner set at the department store..
some of the patterns are very classic,
but i'm not a fan of them because it's easily chipped, and heavy.
but i do want their loose piece to add onto my collection of serving dish/plates.
and omg omg, they had this on SALE today!
loose piece, for RM5 each!!!
i grabbed a pair for each pattern.
and one day they will add up on my dream 'Plate Wall'
i know they are nothing now
but they'll be my antiques later, telling my stories.
i've shared this quote before..
"Your home should tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love"
19 April 2017
My 15-year-old Promise to Myself
when I was 17, we had a school trip to Taman Negara Kuala Tahan, Pahang.
it was kind of a reward for the students who managed to get into the Dean's list for certain numbers of semester..
even then, i really think it was a great way of celebrating the students,
not by merely giving medals or certificates etc
so, there we went!
i think i had the time of my life in Taman Negara
2-3 hour ride on the boat along the river from Kuala Tembeling to Kuala Tahan
it was really like the touristy pictures you saw on the calendars or posters,
the water level was so near to you that you can touch the water,
and of course feel the splashes!
and the canopy walking was spectacular!!!
and at that moment, 15 years ago, i made a promise
'i will come back here with my loved ones'
be it my partner, or my family,
i just want to share the view with someone dear to me
and, last week, WWF-Malaysia shared this picture on the Instagram
i know it was not from Taman Negara Pahang,
but the view was something so familiar
i think i used up half a roll of the Kodak film on capturing that sight
(and our generation surely knows how precious a photo snap was, you can't delete it, you can't preview it, just a snap of luck)
and, I realised that it's about time to keep my promise
i've laid out a 3 days 2 nights itinerary for us,
insyaAllah, will be in Kuala Tahan National Park this Syawal
**these 2 last photos was Google-d**
(i used them to bait Paih to agree on my plans..hehe)
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