
29 December 2013

Alma Mater..



Adik tanye mak..mak sedih tak tengok gambar adik? Mak kata buat ape nak sedih..mak happy anak mak dapat pergi tempat mak pergi..

Hmmm if it's me...i dont think i'll be that positive..knowing me,the forever-ungrateful,i would always find the 'if-only...' sides of everything..

I think i would be so down, in my 50s or 60s, looking at my old uni photos...thinking 'hmmm why cant i afford to go back to those places several more times...'

Okeh tak paham my ramblings? Forget it.. Yes i tried hard to be grateful, but the more i think about something, the more things u found missing..

24 December 2013

Just an excuse..

Dah shopping beria kat bigbadwolf tu kene ade bookshelves la plak kan...sejak duk rumah sendiri ni buku letak bertindan-tindan camtu je atas lantai...and we think it's now the time to give them some respects..

We thought beli rak buku senang2 je bole muat kereta, tapi bile pegi collect barang2 tu nampak hmmmmm macam tak muaaat je kete... So we are still waiting for the delivery..

Isk camane nak pindah nanti ni..memang kene gune lori dah...memang setiap kali membeli barang kami akan fikir pasal nak pindah, sebab tu kami tak beli meja makan beria berserta kerusi semua kan...kami makan meja makan ala jepun je...tapi saya rase sejak dua menjak ni barang semakin banyakkk je...

20 December 2013

Depan Rumah..

After the dinner last night we made a pitstop to someplace near our house, The Courts Mammoth Megastore..i've never been to any of their store pon..but Paih kata 'kalau terus balik rumah akan tido, tidak elok untuk kesihatan'.. We were looking for a new phone for Baba but the one we were interested in was out of stock.. But we managed to get something we've been looking for like forever..
Tadaa!!! The shopping trolley :))

Our new RED shopping trolley.. So now we can buy few gallons of mineral water at once!

Oh i havent share Daddy's book here (eventho i already shared them on the instagram...)

Daddy finished it in 2 days!!

17 December 2013

Missed The Shinkansen..

I know i know..this was like sooo yesterday... I was able to resist the temptation for soo long, but this time my specialist subtly poisoned me by saying..

'cube laa sarah pegi play store, tengok candy crush saga ade tak...'

Obviously ade la kan... lol
And guess what i found out, some of the top player in my friend list is Mummy's friend...erkk, imagine people of Mummy's age playing it..
Still wanna share few more weekend pics...

16 December 2013

One of those weekends...

Some weekends..i'll be soo lonely and borrreeed especially when Paih wasnt around... But last weekend was a full one...

After frequent oncalls last week, i had a good family time.. It started with picking up Daddy at Abang's place on friday evening...the rain and traffic was soo heavy that i drove almost 30-40km/h all the way from mutiara damansara tu puchong..

I went back home,frustrated,and had a movie marathon (finishing up few recorded movies on Astro)..frustrated because Paih's flight would be slightly later than expected the next day.. That means another Saturday without him..

But despite the frustration about Paih's absence, i had a good day at our cousin's wedding..

(mummy said i got MokYah's assymetry..hehe)

11 December 2013

Jejak Francis Light

Thanks to KakPaih sebab convo...oleh yang demikian ade reason for a trip to Penang.. We stayed in one of the apartment in the heart of Georgetown... The apartment was quite convenient (apart from the fact that it's on the second floor and the elderlies had to climbed all the way up)..

There was a moseluem in the apartment's courtyard, belong to The Kapitan Keling who was believed to own the properties around that area..

Food-hunting is a must in Penang!! Tapi dari Kuala Lumpur lagi dalam hati ada satu niat..iiitu mahukan CHEESE NANN !! Kak Noni kata paling best kat kami pon beria-ria la kan bangun pagi g breakfast dengan konfidennya order cheese nann..ooh-oh nann tak dibuat pagi2 la dik...*tearless-cries*

Nevertheless, dapat merasa pasembuq and char kuey teow original Penang dekat Padang Kota Lama.. Eventhough they are tooo overly described, saya tetap Buuuurrrrppp Alhamdulillah.. I gained few kilos from this trip *crying-again!!*

08 December 2013

Library in The Making...

All this while, i could only envy other people who are lucky enough to go to BigBadWolfBooks.. At last it's my turn now...

We were sooo tired all the way from Penang...could not really focus during second half of the hunt..and now we regret it...we are hoping to sneak in there in one of these days..

04 December 2013

The boy who turned One!!

I wanna give something long lasting...something for him to start a collection... I've been dreaming about having my own childhood-library back.. So i thought Umar can have my dream...

So as the starter, this ABC 123 thing will do, i hope so..i hope Umar will find passion in reading..not up to being a nerdy nerd not knowing the outside world, but just enough for him to appreciate what books could make u feel..

Umar is a big boy now, with his own personality!!

03 December 2013

Zizang, jutawang kepok lekor paling berjayya di tranung!

this scene managed to make me forget my loneliness LOL LOL LOL

30 November 2013

Short and Sweet

Paih : Sayang, jom g jln mane2 next weekend..

Sarah : hmm...tatau la lagi..jadual oncall bulan depan tak dpt lg...

Paih : alaa weekend ni november lagi laa..

Sarah : oh yeke...jom2 g jalan...

Then perancangan semua sudab dibuat dan hotel sudak dibook online (non refundable)..

Setibanya jadual oncall december 2 hari yang lalu, aik..asal 1hb December ni macam weekend nii je...aik i'm oncall?

Wuaaa menangis airmata darah pon tak dapat menebus kecuaian saya dalam melihat tarikh... Camane laa rase lambat lagi december... Nak tukar oncall dah susah sangat....

Paih : takpela syg, kite pegi je sabtu...awal pagi ahad tu bertolak awal pagi sempat laa masuk keje kol 8..

Wuaaaa again...takle breakfast kat hotel... Takle bangun lambat golek2 depan tv atas katil hotel... Mmg gian berape bulan dah nak tido hotel, sebab dah bosannn sgt keje sekarang..

And now, the pagi before oncal...again, soooo malassssss.... But alhamdulillah for this short but sweet trip.. Get to spend time with our old friends... Admiring their new house... Savouring the wellknown ikan bakar ( it was sooo yummy that we didnt stop to capture the moment, and straight away dig in)..

29 November 2013

Funny But True

I read this from, it's so funny when silly things u do are actually something 'recommended'... i think i'm quite a pro at 'hiding the mess'.. Hehe..

Still remember when we were little, we have a small room we called 'bilik kecik' next to the living room where we put all the things when we are expecting guests are coming.. We used to TRY to keep the mess in the small room as organised as possible, but it wont last long.. (the room was actually meant to be our mini library, but it was the most strategic place as our emergency room)

On the same note, i found this so-called tips..

Erkk?? Do we use the towel only once? Maybe dekat hotel laa kot.. Or memang mat salleh pakai sekali je ke?

28 November 2013

Please let me keep him for a while...

No pics with Paih for almost 2 weeks :( he's coming back tonight but his lovely wife is oncall plak...

Life is so cruel :(

Bos, please let me keep him for a while now... Dont send him anywhere for AT LEAST a month please..

Hamik kau!!

Eee tibe2 rase sesuatu menyengat...tengok2 makhluk ini... Eeeee geram tengok, nasib baik tak sempat gemuk sangat lagi..

27 November 2013

And oh i havent shared this pic yet.. Umar sangaaat gedik bile pakai shades ni.. Kepala dongak je tanak bagi jatuh...pastu die macam frozen sbb overwhelmed kot.. Such a heartbreaker!

Innocent faces...

Tiutnyeeee adik-adik i ni... Hehe mengorek album-album lama.. Muka tiut tak menahan...

26 November 2013


Havent given any thoughts about weddings for such a long time, maybe i passed the time already, feeling old...

But attending few weddings in a row make me wanna get married again..of course with the same person, my one and only Paih..

Not much to regret from my own wedding, but soo many options that make me feel 'hmmmm...this colour pon nice jugak...hmmm this style pon nice jugak...'.. But afterall, nothing is perfect..

Sayang, let's start planning for our silver jubilee..hmm...gelebeh dah mase tu..

25 November 2013

Usaha tannga kejayaan! Pastu tersangkut!

Umar's been kissed!!

Mmmuuuaahhh!! Sorry umar, terpaksa tinggalkan cop kat pipi umar..

Kalau nampak umar mmg tak dpt nak menahan dari menggomol dan menciumnya..