
30 December 2011

kelaaas kau maria berlakon kat jepon..
why why whyyyy
why at this time of the year?
saje je nk timbulkan kesyahduan dan kejiwangan saye ini ek maria..hehe..
saye tahu, hanya 2minggu je spent kat jepon itu..
tp 2 minggu yang memulakan kisah cinta 2 abad..
haha eh tak tak, cinta kami bukan 2 abad je, selama2nya...
okeh sile muntah..
adik dh mule muntah stp hari kan skrg..

need and neeeds...

everyday i'll manage to find things that i still neeeed to have
some ppl say that there's difference between needs and wants..
but knowing me, i can find a lot of ways to turn around the wants and become the needs!

hehe, and my most favourite pastime is making list!
list of OUR needs..(hehe my needs are OUR needs)..
at the moment..
we need...

babies! hehe ofcourse!
more bedding least kene ade 10 :)
more fluffy towels..
(stakat nih bedsheets n towels menumpang mami punye je kan )
more bookracks
a great desktop
two good and long lasting couple smartphones
more movies to watch

hmmm the lists will never end...
but alhamdulillah we managed to get through all this humbleness for almost ELEVEN months!

25 December 2011

dihantui baby-baby kiut :)

Saya sedang dalam satu rotation yang indah

iaitu Paediatric!
tp indah kalo tak bz la
saye mmg minat gile paeds..
tp kalo suke sgt pon, belom tentu sanggup bersusah payah hidup kan

yang indah sbb stp hari duk ngan babies
cume kesian gak sbb setiap hari seperti tanpa belas kasihan duk cucuk diorg
sorry babies!

dan sekrang i feel more and more like a married woman
sbb suami saye dh belikan mcm2 utk saye :)

17 December 2011

Candy Bar

we went to a wedding today
it was a small but sweet wedding
they chose light pink n blue with cute little candy bar!!
for me, it was more like a birthday party
not because it's too small
but it's very cute!
i dont know how people can afford to serve chocolate-dipped marshmellow during a wedding party
(or maybe i'm so outdated, havent been to nice weddings for years!!)
it's like rm7.00 per 100gm
but maybe they know somebody with good bargain
or even maybe they owned a candy store!

marshmellows have always been my fav..
but halal marshmellows arent something easy to find in Oz..

and now i'm all excited planning for our kid's 4th or 5th birthday party

14 December 2011


really2 in anniversary mood

as usual, i've started thinking about my project for the celebration
havent really finalise the idea
but i've collected the materials..

i really hope we'll be celebrating this for hundreds more years to come...
almost-4 years and counting...

off day..

apa sebenarnya yang patut seseorang itu lakukan pada hari off?
menggunakan masa itu untuk recharge tenaga dan berehat untuk kerja seterusnya
menggunakan masa itu untuk menyelesaikan kerja2 rumah yg terabai ketika sibuk bekerja

i could only choose one..
i tried to do both,
but by the end of the day i ended up neither rejuvenated nor organised

so saye sgt jeles kepada org2 yg betenaga tinggi yang masih mampu kekal segar pada hari offday yg dapat menyelesaikan semua urusan2 yang tergendala sebelum ini.

saye tak patut komplen2 sedangkan sekarang dah kire cukup baik sbb at least ada off day sminggu skali kan..
tapi hari yang SATU itulah nak selesaikan urusan2 bank ke ape2 ke
urusan kemas almari ke
urusan mop2 sental2 dapo dan sental toilet ke
urusan masak2 ke
dan hari yang SATU ini lah saye ingin gunakan untuk rehat2 baring2 kan..

daaan saye sgt penat sbnrnye :(
saye juge sgt sedih sbnrnye..
sedih kerana suami saye terabai :(

12 December 2011

sihat sebelum sakit..

for last 6-7 days, paih asyik sakit perut je
slalunye skit perut tuh akan tibe2 je dtg
especially tgh2 tdo mlm2
awal2 tuh the abdo pain will be relieved by just sapu minyak angin cap burung
then lame2 mcm takde kesan
on the 4th day, sakit perut yg tibe2 itu sangat2 sakit dan tk dpt ditahan
saye mmg tak mampu nk tgk je
the pain wasnt relieved by hyoscine or diclefenac pon..
preksa2 perut paih mmg mcm takde abdo sign ape2
soft, non tender, no rebound..
mmg the 1st thing came to my mind was acute appendicitis or even ruptured appendicits
but the signs doesnt correlate at all, so legaa rasenye
then mmg rase mcm gastritis la aka gastrik in laymen's term
nak dijadikan cerita, seawal 3 pagi arituh saye berkejaran ke jabatan kecemasan HUSM membawa suami yg sedang kesakitan
die buat2 ultrasound and couldnt see any stones or anything 
so die bg IV ranitidine
then tk lame pastuh di discharge with ranitidine tablet and syrup MMT..
pain was under control..
kdg2 je paih ckp mcm tk sedap perut..
until last night, the pain came again
but it's even worse than ever
i brought paih to Perdana because tanak la mengkalutkan jabatan kecemasan hospital kerajaan yang sedia sibuk dan yang hanya akan memandang enteng kita nih kan
(bukan bermaksud mengkritik hospital kerajaan, tp as one of the servant there we have to admit our shortcomings and our inability to provide services as pleasant as private's)
ofkosla kan rase cam dilayan best gile kat Perdana sbb jabatan kecemasan tuh hanya ada 2 beds..
mestila we'll be entertained as soon as we arrived there kan..
then cek2 die buat ECG..
and...die ckp ECG paih ade changes!
wuaaa, cuak ok!
ade Q waves kat lead II and III..
mmg rase cam tak significant when it comes to ur own sweetheart, every single thing will be something to worry about..
that MO wanna admit paih, tp bed sume full kat Perdana tuh...
so die ckp die akan buat referral letter to HUSM gak..
hmmm terpaksa gak g HUSM...
i know problem kitorg tuh akan dikira remeh je berbanding org lain yg lg parah kat HUSM :(
tp tepaksa gak pegi...
we stayed in HUSM from 9.30pm till 3.30am..
omg, now adik knows realiti sebenar kehidupan seorang dokter di hospital keraajan
dan juga realiti sebenar org2 sakit 
adik ckp 'org sakit yg nak mati, mati nunggu gini je la dih'

then at last kol 3pg tuh kitorg balik kerumah
dibekalkan ubat2an
and dokter tuh tatau saye keje situh pon
and not a single explanation about what happened was told to us
saye sendiri yg buat2 intai the notes
and paih was discharged with the 'eradication therapy'
tuh pon tau sendiri la sbb ubat2 yg die bg tuh kan
kalo la saye nih tatau pape kan, mmg tak sedar pon ape yg berlaku kan
serius tak logik! mmg sgt patut la kite semua patut ade insurans
so that kite pegi ke private 
only go to hospital kerajaan di saat yg tak dapat dielakkan je
paih pon ckp 'hmm, patutla sape yg dtg Perdana akan dtg lg'

but semoga we dont have to visit any hospital pon after this ok!