drinking lotsa coffee..
and stay up laaaate until all the slides are ready as if u'r presenting tomorrow
sounds like a good plan to me..
*sigh* (again)
• Cloth nappies are much cheaper than disposables. I have estimated that parents spend about AUS$3500-4000 on nappies for one child from birth. See below for detailed cost comparisons
• Cloth nappies can be a healthier option for your baby. Many parents find that babies have less nappy rash. Considering the advertising campaigns from disposable companies you may find this hard to believe! I deal with customers all the time who cannot use disposables due the rash they cause in babies. Cotton nappies mean your babies skin can breathe.
• Cloth nappies are a responsible environmental choice. You can make your own detergents or purchase earth-friendly brands to wash them in, thereby not contributing bleaches or chemicals to our water table in the washing process.
• It takes thousands of gallons of water, paper from our trees and bleach and chemical absorbers to make disposables look white, clean and fresh when you pull them out of a packet.