
29 September 2009

a great way to celebrate birthday is by...
drinking lotsa coffee..
and stay up laaaate until all the slides are ready as if u'r presenting tomorrow
sounds like a good plan to me..
*sigh* (again)

ultraman dan raksasa

tau tak ape yg naaak sgt saye buat sekarang..
naak sgt tgk2 cite mcm ultraman tuh
nk tgk cite satria baja hitam
nk duduk dpn tv sambil baring ade air milo ais
pastuh enjoy the moment tanpa ade perlu fikir ape2..

saye sedang sibuk2 search2 journal2 yg patut..
keje2 searching nih perlu dilakukan dalam suasana best
oleh yg demikian saye pasang lagu..
saye pasang randomly je..
terperasan plak playlist2 yg comot
terkenang zaman2 kami byk masa lapang sebegitu...
tunggu lps pencen nanti kot baru dua2 sempat lg buat bende2 camnih..
keje2 menukar name album ngan name artis..
perasan bajet suara sedap mcm artis la tuh...
suara saye bole tahan la lg..berbanding tuutt..hahaha..
tp adiik saye dh buat dh ranking..
dlm adik bradik, suara plg sumbang adelah abg..
kedua sumbang adelah beya
saye ketiga sumbang
bajet dua2 org tuh suara merdu sgt la tuh..ampeh!
yg lawaknye Go tanye Asma' 'eh nih suara paih btol ke?' bile dgr bawaku terbang tuh..
sekarang ni bukan takde mase pon sbnrnye..
tp kami tk jumpe lagu lirik best pon..
byk lagu sedey2 je...

i really need a break!! *sigh*
summer break..cpt la....

28 September 2009

OMG..patient yg saye ngan solo admit tuh yg dikatekan oleh org ED sebagai viral gastro tuh rupe2nye ade superior mesenteric artery syndrome!! sesungguhnye saye tk pernah sedar kewujudan syndrome itu pon... mantap la MMC!! isk itulah rupenye beza spital kecik ngan spital besar.. dkt MMC ckp je nk ape sume pon dpt.. saye dgn semangatnye follow budak nih sampai MMC.. siap amik imaging2 saye risau nanti saye nk explain ape tgk xray tuh sume..serius saye tk reti sgt tgk abdo xray...takpe..saye bace je report tuh..

27 September 2009


hmm...saye rase dunia nih susah nk adil kan..hanya Allah yg Maha Adil.. tp ketidakadilan dunia itu merupakan ujian Allah juge.. nk tgk camane kite deal dgn ketidakadilan itu.. tp saye nih tatau la lulus ke tak ujian tuh..asyik nk kecik ati sorg2 je...mungkin saye fail ujian tuh kot..sbb kdg2 saye terpk pihak sane selfish dan sebagainye.. mungkin kalo nk lulus, saye kene bersangka baik dan berlapang setelah saaangat banyak yg kami bg, dan hanya sedikit yg kami dapat, saye tk mampu utk berlapang dada lg... sedihnyeee.........

26 September 2009

ya Allah, lembutkanlah hati semua dokter2 pakar kanak2 itu..

semoge saye dpt siapkan slides ini malam ini juge..saye harus membace mcm2 pastuh..sbb saye sgt takut ngan dr.mcneill..die tk die suke tanye provocative questions.. saye yg sedia ada malu nih sudah tentu la blank otak kalo tk cukup konfiden kan.. sudah tentu la bertambah2nye malu saye dgn kehadiran 5 paediatrics consultants dan 4 residents dan rakan2 seperjuangan.. saye sgt berharap semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.. saye masih ade sminggu lg nih utk get ready..saye juge kene tunjukkan usaha saye mengkorek info sampai ke mmc.. saye juge mengharapkan Wen ade minggu dpn utk tlg bg saye accesss to patho and imaging results..amiin...

saye dipermain2kan oleh hormon saye lg..
isk nyesal gileeee asal la saye tk comply ngan pil tuh arituh
skrg nih saye dh serba salah tatau nk wat ape
buaian-mood saye melayang2 ikut suke ati die je
tp nsb baik ade momen2 yg saye stable mcm skrg
tuhlaa...dokter dh lame ckp cara2 nk stabilkan hormon nih
tp tuh la, blom ade jodoh lg..
nk wat camane kan..

24 September 2009

skrg officially saye kecik ati
pengorbanan pon ade tahapnye kan..

saye nk kecik ati sorg2..

takde arapan akhir taun nih
perlukah saye berkecik ati?

23 September 2009

esok ade bedside tute ngan dr.lam..agak cuak sbb tatau esok ade patient ape...
so saye pon bace la buku baru saye tuh kan... :))
byk aa bende2 menarik yg saye terjumpe...

a smart mother makes often a better diagnosis than a poor doctor... (August Bier 1861-1949)

she may not know what's wrong, but she certainly knows something is wrong...

'father will vary in their expertise, but often lack the information, insgight and instinct that a good mother can provide.......blablabla.....however,modern day domesticated father is improving'

something struck me on the ward today..
this one cute baby just 'did her poo' during baby check
so the resident changed her nappy
while she's wiping her, i tried to fold the nappy
and guess what...i couldnt!!
i tot i knew how
but i couldnt get them out from my memory
i tot it was easy n something we do by instinct
but...i couldnt...
aaaa i cant believe that i dont even remember how to fold a nappy..
maybe it's not my fault because the last time i did one was about 16 yrs ago..
and nobody uses cloth nappies anymore..everybody goes for pampers nowadays..
so i decided to google on cloth nappies...

Cloth nappies are much cheaper than disposables. I have estimated that parents spend about AUS$3500-4000 on nappies for one child from birth. See below for detailed cost comparisons

• Cloth nappies can be a healthier option for your baby. Many parents find that babies have less nappy rash. Considering the advertising campaigns from disposable companies you may find this hard to believe! I deal with customers all the time who cannot use disposables due the rash they cause in babies. Cotton nappies mean your babies skin can breathe.

• Cloth nappies are a responsible environmental choice. You can make your own detergents or purchase earth-friendly brands to wash them in, thereby not contributing bleaches or chemicals to our water table in the washing process.

It takes thousands of gallons of water, paper from our trees and bleach and chemical absorbers to make disposables look white, clean and fresh when you pull them out of a packet.

and now i'm going to keep googling for 'how to fold a nappy' :D
(mcm takde keje)

oooo.i managed up to step 3 but then i couldnt figure out that i need to turn it upside down for step 4..but doesnt matter because even the resident and even the mom couldnt!! :D

hahaha sukenye dgr nur ckp 'bodohnye nur..bodohnye nur bang..'
bodohnye adam..
si katrina ckp 'dont u dare to go after her' pon die dgr
si katrina hina2 1st wife die pon die tahan je
kot ye pon dua2 tuh wife die..
saye rase patut die jaga hati yg 1st gak aa

nasi saye td masin skit :D
air garam dr langit

yeyey saye dpt duit raye
saye dpt kad raye
at least ubati hati saye ini

adik K, sile la mempunyai diagnosis yg menarik
agar saye dpt present anda

22 September 2009

aaaa saye tak tahan sudah....
tak tahaaannn!!!
nk jerit rasenyee...
tk tahan..............
cepat laaaa berakhir minggu ini...

21 September 2009

sambutan raye secara sederhana seperti biasa
tp pengisian perut luar drpd biasa
sampai loya2 saye pada malamnya
sesungguhnya ingin saye katekan saye sgt suke jenis kain baju raye saye taun ini
sgt suke
saye terasa agak matang dgn warne sedemikian :p
dan juge saye hanya beraya sehari sahaja..
hari ini raye kedua sudah kembali kepada kehidupan seperti biasa
masih ade 1 baju raye yg blom dpakai
tp takdela special sgt baju tuh
sbb saje je bli kain tuh arituh
kain biase je bli kat gongkapas je
tk sabar utk pulang ke tanah air dan tempah kebaya yg mami bli di bandung arituh

hmmm...sedey..sedey...patient yg saye ngan solo admit last week dh kene transfer ke mmc...:(( saye nk wat die jd case saye tp maybe it'll a bit complicated la kan sbb dh takle follow up.. mungkin nih la salah satu setback duk spital kecik..susah2 skit sume kene transfer and we always end up ngan case2 bosan yg tk seswai utk present :(( hopefully minggu nih akan jd great week utk saye dan agar saye dpt jumpe case secepat mungkin...

saye skrg rase agak huru hara...bilik bersepah2..otak cam sentiasa cukup iron lg kah saye? tp saye mmg tk cukup nutrient kot..dh lame tk makan sayur2 dgn tk seimbang!! cane otak nk alert~ drpd saye duk risau2 psl case saye tuh patutnye saye conccentrate on finishing bunga matahriku.. tp nih baru tghari raya kedua..saye mcm masih huru hara.. chaiyo2!! gambatte sarah!!!!

18 September 2009

be strong~sminggu jee~my last hope for this yr pon..amin...
oleh yg demikian saye di sinih haruslah gambatte sehabis2nye!!!!

menjadi nerd dgn bersungguh hanya akan membuat saye gemuk..
saye tak benti memasukkan cokelat2 ke dalam mulut sepanjang duk membace buku..
dan saye juge takle kalo tk minum air2 manis..
saye tanak gemuk...
saye masih muda...
tua2 nanti saye mmg akan gemuk pon ikut genetik..
tp skrg saye masih muda...
saye tamau gemuk...

slowly slow

alhamdulilllah..another admission today!!
buat ngan solo..and rase stress skiiit je la..
stress sbb die nye bedside skills mcm bagus
mmg la die omputih, tp die pon same 4th yr cam saye..
so saye pon patut organised mcm die dr segi clerking patient..
and case tuh mungkin akan saye gune utk presentation nanti...
cume still tatau nk tunggu consultant tp lmbt la plak consultant dtg..
jgn laa tibe2 discharge over the weekend...
tk best la takle g tanye2 balik kalo ade soalan yg termissed...

mungkin doa mami di baitullah dimakbulkan..amin...

wiken nih concentrate on bace buku matahariku...pastuh isnin kalo budak tuh ade diagnosis and sesuai utk present then saye start to work on that early next week.. kene pk utk present mase workshop week nanti jugak..nsb baik tajuk utk kami mcm simple je..psl immunisation je..sbb group kami tak die bg topik senang je kot... sbb saye tgk topik2 spital lain kebanyakannye tak mnarik..byk psl current issues etc..

so buat masa sekarang saye mahu tdo petang sepuas2nye!!! ade lg 3 jam kot sblum berbuka.. lauk sume dh ade, cume kene panaskan...

17 September 2009

walaupon siang yg menggembirakan...
tp malam yg mensayukan...
missing u like crazy~tatau camane bile dh balik raye nanti :((

alhamdulillah sgt2 ari dpt satu admission
before this mmg sgt confused ngan ape yg bole kami buat
tp td sumenye dipermudahkan..
tibe2 jumpe jenny..
pastuh tibe2 ade consultant yg sgt baik...
hopefully ari isnin ade lg...
sbb saye dh patut start utk presentation saye..
tp so far takde case lg...

15 September 2009

my wishlist

this is not something i really need now
but something i really want
not too drama-queen to say that i droool over that cute little stethoscope everytime i saw the paediatricians hang them around their neck
it looks exactly the same with mine
i have the exact same colour as in the pic
but the only thing is that...
mine is a lot larger and not as cute as that (adult's)
anything is so much cuter in miniature of course
i am really looking fwd to 'still wanting to be a paedetrician' even after the rotation ended
so i guess one day i'll have one of this cute little stethoscope
i know i know my obsession is so beyond ppl's comprehension
but at least i am amazed with all the small things in the world and i'd appreciate more

and these stethoscope covers are not really in my wish list yet
but one day maybe
maybe i'll have one when i found a much much cuter than those i found on the net
but imagine how am i going to make sure that i dont carry germs around on my cute little fluffy cover
do i need to wash it every day?
but i guess even without the cover, ppl rarely wipe their stetoscope with antiseptics etc
i used to do it when i first started working in the hospital
but then i dont bother about it anymore
imagine how much germ i've passed to all my patients so far

ayam kicap sepenuh rasa dot dot dot

dah lame juge tk memasak kerana stp hari ade jemputan berbuka puasa
dh sminggu kot tak masak
arinih saye buat ayam masak kicap
ayam kicap ini bukan sebarang masak kicap
tercampor segala rasa yg ade di dunia ini
termasukla rasa sayang :p hihihi
name penuhnye agak panjang dan akan membirukan muka pendengarnye
nasi pule sperti biasala kan saye masak yg menggemukkan dan membulatkan
saye masak 2pot konon2 utk sahur esok pg skali
tgk2 td dh tinggal skiit je
so lebeih 1.5pot saye makan hanya utk berbuka td
dan lauk sebanyak dlm imej itu pon harus dihabiskan scepat mungkin sorg2 kerana esok sudah ade berbuka di campus
saye nih mmg takreti masak sikit2
mmg slalu masak byk2 sbb saye makan nasi setiap masa
tp bulan2 pose nih camane nk abiskan setiap masanye kan
duduk sorg cam nih laa, mkn pon sumbat sorg2
lainla kalo duduk berdua2an :D