
24 June 2005

::i'll be fat::but i'll be happy::

aku akan jd sgt gmoks..
side effect OCP tuh adalah jd gmok..
aku asyik rase nak mkn jek..
lps mkn skit rase muak..
pastuh rase lapar plak..
dahla 3 mth course ubat tuh...
siap nak kene sambung sampai 6 bln la plak...
buntal btol la aku lpas nih...

wuuuaaa..dah takde sape nak nanti[do i mind?], sape nak jwb??



I Love You More
by Angie

Do you think I've told you
That "I love you" enough?

Have I let you know without you
Life would be extremely tough?

You're everything that gives me
That ONE reason to live

And all I have for you in return
My heart and soul I give

You're all that makes me happy
And you're all that makes me smile

You show me you'd do anything
And go that extra mile

I love you more than you could know
You are my one true love

Our hearts they beat the same beat
Our hands fit like a glove

You shield the rain, and stop the pain
And keep me safe from harm

There's no place I'd rather be
Then held tightly in your arms

I love you more than yesterday
And I think it's time I told

You're the one I want FOREVER
The one I'll ALWAYS hold

21 June 2005

keep ourselves busy ye

esokluse nak g trg plak lg
nanti g batu pahat plak
pastuh g mlake
then ntah mane lg

busy is the best remedy

...cpat la streamyx

lari selesai ke

btol ke masalah dpt selesai dgn sendirinye..n kite lari dr selesaikan
tp ade kalanye cara kite selesaikan masalah nampak cam kite lari jek
tp maybe pd pertimbangan kite, tuhla the best way solving the prob

cam ape yg dah berlaku nih, aku tak rase lari..cume i cudnt selesai dgn cara wat takde pape jd
1 ingat bole ke kwn cambese?
bg aku takle
bukan aku tanak tau pape jd kat die
bukan ego nak tunjuk takde ape kesan
let times heal la

thanks la sbb kate we r still frens
bg 1 bolela camtuh

dahla..byk manfaatnye sabar nih kan?
frenster tuh kurang r
kat status tuh takde choice r
sbb tuh aku wat married
aku nak carik single but not available
ade tak?



20 June 2005

lame udahnye

hhehehe...lame gak aku dah tak tulis nih...ntahla..takde mood plak...nanti aku tulis la bile free..nih takde privacy lg..

tp kan.. i hope i'm ok..

i love u all...

19 June 2005

day trip

uiks..awalnye awak bgn sarah::
terpaksala..kan nak g kemaman
ade appointment ngan giny[tatau eja..tau sebut jek..alaaa, pakar o&g tuh]
ngantuk nye dlm kete tp mls la nak tido
sbb nanti muke bgn tido bile sampai jumpe doc

yg malangnye, pg tuh perut buat hal..bapekali stop kat gas station utk g toilet
the last masuk toilet ialah mase sblum masuk jumpe doktor tuh

doc tuh namenye dr.roziana
die ex student my mum
mude2 lg dah jd giny
die spm 86 dulu..she's the only student in mrsmkt yg scored A1 for bio
terer tak???terer la kirenye tuh

sgt sonok r g checkup tuh
takyah bratur pape
trus jek masuk bilik die
dahla bilik die kat dewan bersalin
pastuh die clerk aku
mmg biase jek teenagers ade hormonal imbalance
tp cam tak best tak amik treatment pape kan

pastuh die wat ultrasound
cam org pregnant la plak
alaa, mcm dlm first touch tuh
i could see my uterus n ovary
fuyooo..sgtla interesting
everything is normal jek

then doc tuh decide utk bg hormonal treatment
die bg ocp[oral contraceptive pills]
treatment tuh utk 6 mths
tp pills tuh die baru bg stakat 3 bln
then die akan bg refer letter utk aku bwk ke aus nanti r

pastuh die amik blood aku
die kate snang skit nak wat report nanti
dua kali gakla die cucuk aku
nsb baik tak sakit sgt
kalo tak sure aku nangis
sob sob sob

sambil tuh aku nampak ade baby baru lahir kene tolak dlm troli die
pastuh dgr ade org azan..ayah baby tuh kot
can u imagine the experience in dewan bersalin
ssoooo undescribable

pastuh g amik ubat
doc tuh ikut skali r
sonok r jd cikgu nih sbb doc pakar pon ex student n they all respect teachers gile2 r
pastuh kitorg same2 g lunch
just 3 of us
talked about a lot of things
many interesting stuff about med field
also about isu sosial semasa
n bla bla bla

then singgah kuantan
singgah umah auntie nora
mkn spaghetti plak
dahla tgh kenyang
tgk gambar die mase die g taj mahal n sydney
pastuh singgah g giant plak
shopping sakan la
keperluan beya nak masuk kptm la

dah mlm barula sampai umah